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Paul's Profile

2012-01-23 11:18:00
Peasant He/Him United States
- I tried to set the file association from the options menu. While it did remove the association with notepad it didn't associate the program with .DIZ files. After setting PlayThis as the default program manually it couldn't re-associate .DIZ files with notepad again either.

Hmm, this is the kind of problem I was really hoping wouldn't happen. You sort of lost me on that last sentence though. Anyway, I have a hunch this might have something to do with permissions and such (which I understand are a bit stricter in Windows 7). Any chance you could try running it as admin or whatever (if you haven't already)?

- The sentence "All dmod.diz files should now open with PlayThis.Other .diz files will be forwarded to Notepad." has a space missing. (/me is nitpicking)

At least that one's easy to fix.

- Whenever I press 'edit' DinkEdit is opened, I tried setting WinDinkEdit as the editor, but that didn't change anything.

Huh, that was working, I think I must have broke it while trying to fix something else.

EDIT: Could my problems be related to me putting the PlayThis.exe in a rather obscure location?

It shouldn't, though I can't swear that it wouldn't matter on Windows 7 with all the kludgy stuff it does.

Anyway, thanks for the feedback, I have a couple ideas to try out.

Paul has released 16 files

MayhemD-Mod, RompExceptional 9.0October 17th, 2014
PlayThisMiscellaneous, FrontendFair 6.8August 14th, 2012
INIcleanDevelopment, UtilityExceptional 9.8August 12th, 2012
DinkC Auto-IndenterDevelopment, UtilityGood 8.2August 12th, 2012
Dink Gets BoredD-Mod, Romp, UnfinishedGood 8.3July 28th, 2012
Pilgrim's Quest CheatAdd-On, CheatExceptional 9.9December 14th, 2011
Lyna's StoryD-Mod, QuestExceptional 9.6February 26th, 2006
Triangle MoverD-Mod, MiscellaneousGood 7.6February 8th, 2004
Simple Dink SpellDevelopment, UtilityExceptional 9.8November 9th, 2003
Enemy Shoot DeluxeDevelopmentGood 8.5September 18th, 2002
Sprite ReplacerDevelopment, UtilityExceptional 9.8July 28th, 2002
DinkEdit Skin 1DevelopmentGood 8.5January 12th, 2002
Catacombs (The)D-Mod, QuestGood 8.5April 26th, 2000
Hardness HelpDevelopment, TutorialGood 8.6February 3rd, 2000
CrosslinkD-Mod, DemoExceptional 9.4December 24th, 1999
Mapnuke for WindowsDevelopment, UtilityGood 7.4January 1st, 1990

Paul has written 6 reviews

The Best D-Mod I've Played in a Long Time Cloud Castle 2: ScarabNormalExceptional 9.5December 27th, 2004
This is a Short D-Mod Kill Murdoock!!!NormalFair 6.0March 23rd, 2004
Okay Bloop the FishNormalFair 6.5December 28th, 2002
I Give This a 8 Item Icons PackNormalGood 8.0October 1st, 2002
Now That the Bugs Are Taken Care of in V1 Cloud CastleNormalGood 8.5April 21st, 2002
This is Great Ultimate CheatNormalExceptional 9.9January 17th, 2002