The Dink Network

Morpheus's Profile

Deactivated by redink1 on February 23rd, 2004.

Private Message

2003-04-26 01:42:11
And don't worry about teh fool named Kory... he's got..... problems


It's teh Mike Snyder! Holy hell hail satan! Dude you're totally welcomed. Me discovered Dink when you released teh Scar o David...

j00 iz teh m@sta

Morpheus has released 6 files

Customized Cursor CollectionMiscellaneous, GraphicsFair 5.0August 19th, 2002
Beyond the Galaxy IntroD-Mod, Miscellaneous, DemoTolerable 3.8July 6th, 2002
UltimateMidiCollection - The Second VolumeDevelopment, MusicFair 6.2June 30th, 2002
Spare TilesDevelopment, GraphicsGood 7.5June 30th, 2002
UltimateMidiCollectionDevelopment, MusicGood 8.0June 9th, 2002
Skeleton XDevelopmentHorrible 2.0May 20th, 2002