The Dink Network

Bouncycles's Profile

Peasant He/Him Germany
I've got no mouth 
I am a random guy from Germany and I like puzzles.
And rpgs. One example is Dink Smallwood.
And books (some people even might know what this ridiculous object with mystical power is).
And old-school classical music.
And physics.
And alot more.

I joined the community in June 2018, but played Dink waaaaay before that. The first time I discovered it on my brother's Linux laptop was maybe 2008. Or 2009.
Or later, I don't know anymore.
At this time I was too lazy to understand that there were also plenty of d-mods. And a dink network. But nowadays I know these things.
Years later I found dink on my android. And installed it. And played it. And then I had this random thought to join this community. I still don't know whether this was a good or bad idea.
Maybe I'll never know...

Yeah, and here I am.

Private Message

2018-06-25 16:03:22
Peasant He/Him Germany
I've got no mouth 
I love summer.

Now you are allowed to hate me.

Bouncycles has written 4 reviews

The story of the reunion of Milli Vanilli Search for Milli Vanilli (The)NormalFair 5.9December 27th, 2018
Dink travels through a chaotic and unfinished world Jesus IslandFeaturedTolerable 3.0July 9th, 2018
The COTPAD-project as PDF, volume 2 Crazy Old Tim Plays All The D-Mods Volume 2: 2005-2015 (PDF)NormalExceptional 9.9July 3rd, 2018
The COTPAD-project as PDF, volume 1 Crazy Old Tim Plays All The D-Mods Volume 1: 1998-2004 (PDF)NormalExceptional 9.9July 2nd, 2018

Bouncycles has taken 10 screenshots

Preview Scar of David (The)July 11th, 2018
Preview Dink's DopplegangerJuly 11th, 2018
Preview Dink's DopplegangerJuly 11th, 2018
Preview Scar of David (The)July 11th, 2018
Preview Mystery IslandJuly 9th, 2018
Preview Search for Milli Vanilli (The)July 2nd, 2018
Preview Jesus IslandJuly 1st, 2018
Preview Jesus IslandJuly 1st, 2018
Preview Jesus IslandJuly 1st, 2018
Preview Jesus IslandJuly 1st, 2018