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Reply to Chat meetings - yea or nay?

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July 6th 2003, 09:05 PM
A couple of times this summer, I've thought about hosting chats. And each time I question whether anybody would actually attend said chats. Now, rather than question this for myself yet again, I'd like to put it out there for you dinkers to comment on: if I host chats, will you attend?

Read comments for specificer (if that's a word... well, it is now) questions.

The thing is, most of my chats in the past have been fairly unfocused on Dink. We've had a set of topics to get the chat started, and then built off those topics as we've gone. Usually, by the end of the chat, we're not talking about Dink. While I personally like this sort of informal, actual "chat" format, I can see where a lot of people would be discontent with that. So there's another question: Would you be more likely to attend chats if I sort of redesigned the format to be more Dink-related, and tried to prevent the chat from going off-topic?

Also, more people attended the chats when it was a java-based format. The way we have it set up now, you must download the mIRC or Trillian client to connect to an IRC chatroom. It's understandable that IRC is a less user-friendly interface and thus we'll get fewer dinkers in the room, but it also has a lot of admin-based advantages over Java. So, would you be more likely to attend chats if we reverted to a Java-based room (a chatroom that you would not have to download a program to use, but you could simply go to a website and access the chatroom from your browser)?

Finally. Last question. Also back in the day of the Java Chatroom, we held one chat at a time that was convenient for European chatters and one chat at a time that was convenient for North American chatters. Personally, I never liked this because it was basically two totally different chats. But some people might have liked it, so Would you like to see chats divided again so that there's a European chat time and a North American chat time?

There you have it. Please post your comments, and tell me what you, personally, would like to see happening with Dink Chat.