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Reply to Turn based RPG system

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August 8th 2009, 12:32 PM
Peasant He/Him United States 
It's not a DMOD, but a new develpoment file I'm working on atm. It's far from being finished (I just started on it yesterday), so I'll be keeping a log of what I've done and perhaps what needs to be done.

Planned Features:
-Up to 3 vs 3 battle
-Sample classes (generic healer, magician, warrior..)
-Multiple battle environments
-Sample spells/skills
-Sample items (potions mainly, possibly stat boosters)
-Sample enemy types (touchers, hitters, magic users..)
-Sample party members joining and leaving party throught story

Possible Future Features
(Acually me brainstorming.. Holding these off as to not get overwhelmed..)
-Possible summon/pet example
-Additional Party members that are "on the bench" that can be swapped into play.
-Throwing knives.
-More traditional rpg inventory/menu for using skills outside of battle
-Elemental weaknesses/advantages
-Multiple status effects/cures

*Layout of player/enemy placement has been decided.. players party on the right, enemies on the left
*Choice menu mapped out (although I may end up using a more traditional custom menu)
*Successfully scripted pillbugs attacking. Will use this for generic touch damage monsters.
*Coded gameover and victory scenario
*Moving now uses move_stop() in place of the buggy targeting. Works a lot better.
*Temporary healthbars added
*Bonca (generic hitting attacker) is virtually done. Distance is now done
*Movement system for touchers and attackers is completed
*Targeting complete for the player
*Successful simple battle using only attack vs selected enemy
*Player movement for basic attack completed.
*Escaping is successful.
*Brought the back players/enemies forward a bit.
*Stat recording done (also added a little healing script)
*Defend option works now and increases defense (1.5x)
*Simple mana using spell working. Player moves forward and casts a hurt spell.
*Life and mana bars added to the stat bar

Currently working on..
++Sample spell
+Healing items


(1)Choose your target


(1)Very early demonstration -

A couple of the basics, attack/run away options working. Turns are preset (yet to add a speed factor).
That's about all that's going on in this vid.