dragon & other critters
I, Kara Gu
From what I've been reading, I
guess I can kill the vermin?
I'm right now at a structure with
3 openings, being blocked by a fire brasthing dragon? I'm in "red", so I can light
fires-but, I can't throw fire (or
can I?); that would be very handy.
As it stands, the dragons having me
for lunch!
I have been trying to blow him up
with bombs, with no luck?!
NO, you don't have to play the game
for me, just drop a few hints!
Thanx, again. Lance
P.S On another subject; near the end of this month, I have to go into the hospital, and have two of my fingers "fused", my left thumb, and my index finger. My arthritis is so bad, that it has pushed be bones away from
the joints (picture a broken pencil), and naturally, I'm left handed!
So, don't be surprised if I can't make any more posts. I won't know for sure until after the operations?
guess I can kill the vermin?
I'm right now at a structure with
3 openings, being blocked by a fire brasthing dragon? I'm in "red", so I can light
fires-but, I can't throw fire (or
can I?); that would be very handy.
As it stands, the dragons having me
for lunch!
I have been trying to blow him up
with bombs, with no luck?!
NO, you don't have to play the game
for me, just drop a few hints!
Thanx, again. Lance
P.S On another subject; near the end of this month, I have to go into the hospital, and have two of my fingers "fused", my left thumb, and my index finger. My arthritis is so bad, that it has pushed be bones away from
the joints (picture a broken pencil), and naturally, I'm left handed!
So, don't be surprised if I can't make any more posts. I won't know for sure until after the operations?
In the beginning, only your bombs do damage. You cannot throw fire at this point. You have to kill the dragon with your bombs. A hint is that the dragon pops out according to where you are on the screen so it's fairly easy to lay a bomb in front of one door and position yourself so that he comes out that door.
Sorry to hear about your arthritis problem. Makes me glad to be young. I hope the operations go well and you'll be back
Sorry to hear about your arthritis problem. Makes me glad to be young. I hope the operations go well and you'll be back

I've already tried the bomb thing on the dragon. I must not have my timing right, or I'm not close enough?! As for my arthritis: getting up there in years, CAN suck (but not all the time.) I'll keep working on the dragon, though,
I thought I might be on the right track! THANX, Lance.
Don't worry about this old man:
JUST keep giving me clue's when I need them!
As a rule; I have made a few friends,
and a few frends (s.p.)enemies (not)
I thought I might be on the right track! THANX, Lance.
Don't worry about this old man:
JUST keep giving me clue's when I need them!
As a rule; I have made a few friends,
and a few frends (s.p.)enemies (not)
Still no luck! I've been placing
bombs at all the doorways, but I'm
not having any luck with it
I'm not having any luck in killing the dragon? I've been placing bombs at all the doorways, with no sucsess?
bombs at all the doorways, but I'm
not having any luck with it
I'm not having any luck in killing the dragon? I've been placing bombs at all the doorways, with no sucsess?
Have you used bombs to blow up the pillars, causing a cave in and preventing the dragon from using all three doorways?
Thanx for the tip! I'll give it a try later today!
There ARE friendly folks out there!
There ARE friendly folks out there!
I intend to ban all friendly people within the next few days.

WHAT? That's not fair!! Just wait till "carrie" get's a
hold of you! YES, I "CAN" she dog, and moan; but
be real: I've gotten worse messages! If, you can't take a joke; then IT SUCKS BEING YOU!
P.S.: THAT was also a joke! I can't wait for the feedback from
THIS ONE!! HEY, GANG: I'm still trying............
(Tal, I hope you realize that I'm
kidding?!); I've done alot worse over the years, (I think I might even have a following), but, you know, I'm in it for the fun!
hold of you! YES, I "CAN" she dog, and moan; but
be real: I've gotten worse messages! If, you can't take a joke; then IT SUCKS BEING YOU!
P.S.: THAT was also a joke! I can't wait for the feedback from
THIS ONE!! HEY, GANG: I'm still trying............
(Tal, I hope you realize that I'm
kidding?!); I've done alot worse over the years, (I think I might even have a following), but, you know, I'm in it for the fun!
Hell, I could have told you that!
Thanx for the complement.
P.S., I'm trying to kill that
"core thingy"? Is there a strategy
to taking him (it) out?
Thanx for the complement.
P.S., I'm trying to kill that
"core thingy"? Is there a strategy
to taking him (it) out?
Use your fire spells and attack it with diagonal missiles. The fire will follow you so you'll have to do a lot of switching sides (left to right/ right to left.) I think if you stay in the corners of the inside, you won't get hit as often.
Uh, Tal. I have no idea who 'Lance' is.
Go ahead and ban him. (muahahaha)
Go ahead and ban him. (muahahaha)
You KNOW ME; YOU even sent me a personal
email a couple of times!
God, I hope that last bit was a joke?????
I'm asking for support, NOT a
noose(s.p.) around my neck!!
email a couple of times!
God, I hope that last bit was a joke?????
I'm asking for support, NOT a
noose(s.p.) around my neck!!
Muahahaha! *starts braiding a noose*
P.S Actually, Lance, it was YOU who emailed me
and I was polite enough to respond.
But this does not make us friends.

P.S Actually, Lance, it was YOU who emailed me
and I was polite enough to respond.
But this does not make us friends.