The Dink Network

Dink, Linux? (Closed)

December 17th 2004, 09:21 PM
Peasant They/Them
Hi, I found this game at Linux Game Tome, there is in sourceforge information that it works under X windows, but after I've downloaded the
file I only found windoze binaries inside!
So, can anybody tell me where to get source to compile on Linux or Linux binary to run the game?

Zuzanna K. Filutowska
December 17th 2004, 10:56 PM
Peasant He/Him
I'm currently writing it. You'll have to wait.
December 18th 2004, 12:35 AM
King He/Him United States bloop
A mother ducking wizard 
Now, please correct me if I'm wrong... but aren't you writing something inspired by Dink Smallwood, yet isn't really connected in any concrete way? It won't be backwards compatible, it won't play D-Mods, etc?

And, if my memory is working, wasn't there a Linux port a year ago that did play the original game up until the bridge? It seemed like all it would take would be to fix that minor bug, and a straight port would have been complete.
December 18th 2004, 01:18 AM
Peasant He/Him
True and true. But, for the second one, it was a major bug. Shawn and I searched for about a week and a half on that one and we found that the memory was getting corrupted somehow. We never found out where though.

But a straight port would've done nothing for everybody else.
December 18th 2004, 09:13 AM
King He/Him United States bloop
A mother ducking wizard 
A straight port would have allowed Linux users to actually play it, it could have been included in distributions like Suse (wasn't there something in the works with that?), and it could build more momentum for the re-write. Or not?
December 18th 2004, 09:31 AM
Peasant They/Them
So, that game is not playable on Linux yet?

Zuzanna K. Filutowska
December 18th 2004, 09:54 AM
King He/Him United States bloop
A mother ducking wizard 
You're unfortunately correct.
December 18th 2004, 12:46 PM
Peasant They/Them
So why you guys have put a game that not works
on Linux at LINUX game tome, and in SF you've
put that IT IS for Linux?

Zuzanna K. Filutowska
December 18th 2004, 01:48 PM
King He/Him United States bloop
A mother ducking wizard 
Hmm, I didn't even know what the Linux Game Tome was before your first post. It looks like it was put on there back when that early version for Linux was available... but Merlin has removed that version for unknown reasons. It should be up, if only to allow someone to try to figure out what that dreaded bug was, so that a straight port could be released.
December 18th 2004, 06:15 PM
Peasant He/Him
1) Stop whining because I'm not going to give it to you.
2) I didn't list it at LINUX game tome. Jameson did.
January 15th 2006, 11:36 PM
Peasant He/Him
Okay, this comes a little bit late, but perhaps someone looks here again:

You can run Dink on a Linux system using the windos-binaries and the free emulator wine. I tested yesterday a little bit, and it seems to work very well. Have a look here if you are interested:
January 16th 2006, 09:38 AM
Peasant He/Him Netherlands
Olde Time Dinkere 
Reviving one topic and creating one other is more than enough, thank you very much.

Yeah sorry, but I'm watching at all those Dink Linux topic. We get the point after one/two posts.
January 16th 2006, 09:54 AM
Ghost They/Them
Actually this was quite helpful. I was curious if dink ran under wine, but was too lazy to try it out. I did try it out, and it didn't work very well. but that link that you gave may help a bit.
January 16th 2006, 10:14 AM
Peasant He/Him
I didn't want to spam the forum. This was only thought for people searching in the future this forum, to see that there is a related thread with a (sort of) solution. Sorry for disturbing you...
January 16th 2006, 11:21 AM
Peasant He/Him Netherlands
Olde Time Dinkere 
Hey, no prob. It's just that I usually just make one new topic and nothing more, instead of reviving two next to it.
January 16th 2006, 11:29 AM
Ghost They/Them
did you use dfarc2 or the dink.exe to run dink?
January 17th 2006, 07:51 PM
Peasant He/Him
Both works fine. I tested Dink 1.08rc4, have a look in this thread, there i described howto install and use. Please post your own experiences or questions there, as it is easier for me to support only this thread. Thanks
January 18th 2006, 01:53 AM
Bard He/Him Netherlands
I object 
You posted in loads of different threads about this subject yourself, how can you expect us just to use one thread?
January 18th 2006, 02:26 AM
Peasant He/Him
*waves wand*

Like that.