Dinak main game
Can the game be remade without loseing the mother. I dont like her dying
can some one alter and give the game like dink saves his mother from fire
Can the game be remade without loseing the mother. I dont like her dying
can some one alter and give the game like dink saves his mother from fire
Actually evals, she never died. If you find the game manual, you can read that those alk tree nuts were full of hallucinogenic stuff, and all that happens after that point in game, is Dink tripping balls. Pig farmer to hero? That's just plain unreal...
To back up my statement even more,no one actually sees martridge, the wizard character. herb boots, and acid rain... Should I continue...?
Alright, I made what you requested. You can download it here
@yeoldetoast: Very amusing!
not this way.I dont want dink insulting mother. He should save her from fire and story can continue as it is.
I believe the Dink community should come togheter and give evals the game he/she deserves!
Perhaps we should solicit more plot changes to the original game (from any interested in doing so) and use these idea as a basis for the contest that redink1 is asking about.
The requirements would be to use the original map, and characters, but meet any and all plot changes that we all agree to. Of course the story could change and new characters could be added, or existing characters could change.
What do you all think about this?
The requirements would be to use the original map, and characters, but meet any and all plot changes that we all agree to. Of course the story could change and new characters could be added, or existing characters could change.
What do you all think about this?
Well, you should post this in the contest thread. You'll see how everyone feels about it based on the number of votes it gets.
Correct I want dink to see his father too. Want an happy ending that he come back and live with mother and father happliy
Heard that, boys? That's your homework for the week. I want it on my desk by friday.
Want an happy ending
The game already has a happy ending. The question is what do you prefer. Would you like to have a father and mother, live with them (in the same room with one bed) to the rest of their lives, while being knee deep in pig shit everyday, or to have dead, and missing parents, while being the hero of the land, with lots of chicks, gold, fame, while snorting King's personal stash all day long?
The game already has a happy ending. The question is what do you prefer. Would you like to have a father and mother, live with them (in the same room with one bed) to the rest of their lives, while being knee deep in pig shit everyday, or to have dead, and missing parents, while being the hero of the land, with lots of chicks, gold, fame, while snorting King's personal stash all day long?
Heck, if things hadn't happened the way they did, Dink would grow so frustrated with his lifestyle, that he would eventually snap, and would have killed Ethel's duck, drowned Mr. Smilestein in the pool of her blood, kidnapped Libby and raped her in the pig barn, while forcing his mother to watch all of that while yelling "My good little boy!".
But uh, he did kill Ethel's duck. If for some reason in your game he didn't, then your game is false.
Toof, there's a serious issue with what you are saying; that issue is, Dink's world doesn't have pig barns. Just pig pens.
I prefer more happy.losing mother i cannot tolerate. why cant game go in same way except loss of mother. Parents are going to be happy if child is hero. he can still be big and continue his venture.
Simple I dont want to see dink mother die.
Simple I dont want to see dink mother die.
Because then he'd never have a reason to leave the village and wouldn't be able to venture to Martridge's hut.
he could, we can create reason that he want to explore the world and doing it
"dink, can you go get a pie pan from uncle seth?"
the villager guard doesn't let anyone out as you clearly saw
Ok you want a story there to let him
ok here it goes
for finding the duck , the old lady gives dink water magic, where he can save his house using water magic
so once he saves he gains confidence
there is a letter from aunt inviting to home with his parents
family leaves to meet aunt house and village guard lets him out.
once he becomes hero he still stay with his mom and dad
ok here it goes
for finding the duck , the old lady gives dink water magic, where he can save his house using water magic
so once he saves he gains confidence
there is a letter from aunt inviting to home with his parents
family leaves to meet aunt house and village guard lets him out.
once he becomes hero he still stay with his mom and dad
1. the old lady isn't a mage
2. the aunt lives with an abusive husband, no reason to invite dink over
3. his dad is already dead
2. the aunt lives with an abusive husband, no reason to invite dink over
3. his dad is already dead
it is a story, we can bring back anyone to life
ok old lady gives him a mug with which he can get water from well
ok old lady gives him a mug with which he can get water from well
is a mug full of water enough to stop a house fire? I'm not the most intelligent person, but I'm pretty sure a mugfull of water won't do shiet.
hi what ever why dont we create something like magic
it is after all a story no logics needed
if you talk like that,how do we get fire magic and other thing which is impossible in real world>?
Make it simple . I dont want the mother to die and need father there.
it is after all a story no logics needed
if you talk like that,how do we get fire magic and other thing which is impossible in real world>?
Make it simple . I dont want the mother to die and need father there.
yes but.....you cant put off a house fire with a mug.....it's.....no....
but cannonically, the old lady isnt a mage. if we are to change the lore of the game, why dont we have dink be born a god and skip straight to the final fight?
why cannot we change we have source code. it is a man made story why a sad thing should happen
I am trying but unable to make for past 4 weeks. if some one can make I would be happy
its not that hard to make. if you know dinkC it takes a few hours to make
me, I cannot. perhaps the others. do post the results if you achieve it
I will but dont know how long will it take. but once I do it I will. but if some one does it before that I will be happy
Ungh... Again, if you truly does knows hows types C (although I'm skeptical about that statement of yours), DinkC shouldn't be too difficult. Also, contrary to popular dumb optimistic opinions and slogans, it's not enough to just wish for something to happen really hard (because that really isn't a hard thing to do), you must also put in some effort. So if you really want to make an alternate story, you can.
Guys here usually reply fast and with great detail on what you must do, and why you must do it. So, as far as coding, you simply must try. There are tutorials here, but my personal recommendation for you, is to start making your own dmod, pass through a few basic scripts, and then try to alter the main game. That way, you'll avoid confusion, and potentially brake the game in some unexpected, hard to find error, way...
Guys here usually reply fast and with great detail on what you must do, and why you must do it. So, as far as coding, you simply must try. There are tutorials here, but my personal recommendation for you, is to start making your own dmod, pass through a few basic scripts, and then try to alter the main game. That way, you'll avoid confusion, and potentially brake the game in some unexpected, hard to find error, way...