How to progress
Green Voice in my Head (The) - Part 1 - Hangover & Agony
I know so many people have asked this question, but the other answers didn't help me. What do I have to do to move forward in the game?
Not enough bananas

August 18th 2012, 03:05 AM


Smash barrels. Throw the axe hit one otherwise unreachable barrel from the south beach, pick it up again through a secret passage, then use it to hit three otherwise unreachable barrels. Then get the claw sword and cut bushes.
Just assuming your problem is that you can't get the claw sword. As said, it is a good idea to be a bit more specific about the problem.
Just assuming your problem is that you can't get the claw sword. As said, it is a good idea to be a bit more specific about the problem.

I have the clawsword, & I've hacked at every shrub I noticed. I have 2200 gold, which isn't nearly enough to buy fireball or water magic, and don't really know what I'm supposed to do about the rune-rock near the goblin. If anyone can help, do you suppose you could be a bit vague so I at least sort of figure it out myself? Thank you

August 20th 2012, 08:13 AM


I think you should buy as much as you can, which indeed doesn't include magic at this point.
August 20th 2012, 07:09 PM


The ones that add +1 to your magic?
You wanted to sort things out for yourself. So try it.
You wanted to sort things out for yourself. So try it.

ok, I tried, I bought all her potions, and I went all over the island, but I just can't get anywhere. I'm beginning to feel really dumb.
Nothing? I know I'm kind of a pill, but I'm really just out of ideas
August 29th 2012, 02:48 PM


Ok, I've just replayed the start to see what's the problem. I think you should talk to the weapon's dealer and ask her for more money. She will then give you a quest, to go to an old mine. Or did you do that already?
I didn't do it yet, but when I went to see her, it just says "what was I supposed to do again?" and she says buy all her weapons, and all her sisters potions.
September 1st 2012, 09:08 AM


In that case you didn't buy all the potions yet. You should sell your axe, the hatchet, and some red apples, to get enough money for it.