The Dink Network

Forum Buggidy Bug Fixed

June 4th 2003, 04:46 PM
King He/Him United States bloop
A mother ducking wizard 
After receiving puzzling reports from numerous people of messages not showing up correctly on the Forum index pages, I found that everyone who had their preferences set to not view deleted messages (the default) could not see any topics posted since the new forum was put into place. This has since been fixed.

Thanks for those people who brought it to my attention; I was pretty sure you were all crazy, but I was thankfully wrong
June 4th 2003, 04:55 PM
No new board design without new bugs I guess.

Also.. I was seeing some messages trashed(red) just a second ago, but now they seem to be ok. Odd.
June 4th 2003, 05:17 PM
Peasant He/Him United States
Destroying noobs since 1999. 
That was the fix