The Dink Network

Quality demand raised through years?

February 21st 2011, 12:42 PM
Peasant He/Him Brazil
Some day I'll finish my mod... Some day... 

Do you think that's true?

Since I've been reading new D-Mod's reviews I did noticed a very high demand on quality and bad stuff reports like: "repetitive", "screens need more scenario", "easy to get lost/stuck" "needs new graphics", "more MIDI's would be good", "hardness and depth errors" and so on. Ok, it sound fair enough for me and even I would argue about Mods with those problems.

But, recently I've been playing some of "DN Classics" which I hadn't and figured out that most of them have some of those 'badies' said above.

Example: I've been playing "Prophecy of Ancients" and by the first village I've found lots of hardness issues, outmatching tiles, depth errors, nohit lack on bg sprites, undetailed screens and I got stuck before leaving it (how would I know I should talk to that slime corpse).
Well, you know that Prophecy of Ancients is a default example of quality D-Mod for new modders and that's just weird.

Maybe I have to keep playing before saying such things, but that's something to talk about, I guess.

That's it, I want to clear that I don't want everyone (from now) to over-rate new Mods and forget these bugs, all I want is to discuss this fact

February 21st 2011, 09:36 PM
Peasant They/Them Australia
It's because back in those days, people were amazed that someone was even capable of making anything at all due to the lack of documentation and difficulty involved.

Nobody cares about that now.
February 22nd 2011, 03:18 AM
Mmm, when there weren't many D-Mods around then anything new was really good, now we have loads of others to compare them to so we're a bit spoilt

A good D-Mod is a good D-Mod whenever, but it certainly raises the bar for one to stand out.
February 22nd 2011, 05:49 AM
Peasant He/Him Belgium
Of course the bar has raised, it's been a dozen years since the first "good" d-mods saw the light of day. New d-mod authors now have all the tools to match the quality of those. Having said that, there's always a learning process and the first few d-mods someone makes are always going to be of inferior quality. Some people just opt to release those early projects and some don't.

I would say any d-mod released is a bonus for this community. And the good ones are cherished.
February 23rd 2011, 03:01 PM
Peasant He/Him Brazil
Some day I'll finish my mod... Some day... 

I hadn't seen the thing that way.

The first DinkC adventurers must have their room at the Hall of Fame for sure.

I would say any d-mod released is a bonus for this community. And the good ones are cherished.
