The Dink Network

Idea for a dmod

February 17th 2003, 03:33 PM
Peasant They/Them
I have an idea for an dmod, only I don't know how to make a dmod (yea I am to stupid to learn it but I am smart enough to play dink ). So unless someone is willing to teach me how to make it (then I would try to do it myself), I would like to give the idea to someone since it is a shame to waste the idea. It is just a basic idea so you can figure everything out(how the level looks, what people say, how it ends, add extra quests etc, etc). I haven't worked it out completely yet because I don't know what is posable and because I can't make it myself. To prevent getting 2 or even more dmods released with this idea I would like to ask that everyone that is intrested in the idea to email me (I know emailing aint the best way to give the idea but posting it here could result in 2 or even more dmods and I dont think we want that).

Thank you for your time and sorry for the bad (and maybe strange) enlish but I am from The Netherlands.

PS If you like we could talk about it and try to do it as a team (but you still have to do the hard work).
February 18th 2003, 02:34 AM
Peasant He/Him Australia
I just passed a DMOD idea, it must have been something I ate.