Carnage Contest 2011
Get your editors at the ready for the latest "MURDER / DEATH / KILL" rampage created by ... ... ... YOU!!
See the comments for all the gory details!
1. There must be Carnage LOTS of CARNAGE!
2. 2 months to complete (Closing Date = 12th April 2011)
3. Any setting.
4. Must have at least one new thing incorporated whether it is weapons, magic, sprites, fighting system. Anything new - use your imagination!
5. The one thing in point 4 (minimum of one) needs to be new to Dink OR previously developed by someone else, but not used in any actual dmod yet. (This means if you are not creative, you may choose your new "thing" from one of the awesome development files already out there (like poison status, armour demo, new death seq, graphics etc)that others have developed - only if those files have not been used in any actual previous dmod before the starting date of the contest).
6. Your dmod may have already been started (and may be redefined to fit the criteria of this contest) BUT it cannot be a dmod you have previously uploaded in any form.
7. Romp sized (may be large romp)
8. More Carnage did I mention you MUST have CARNAGE...
9. Your entry must be completed - no demos will be accepted
10.Team efforts welcome but only one prize per placing but a minimum of 4 entries before we "have a contest"!.
Your efforts will be rewarded in the following manner:
Guaranteed Prizes: plus a certificate dripping in blood
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place
1. The above will be as chosen by a panel of judges selected by staff.
2. A 4th prize will be a "Community award" (awarded to the dmod the community likes best)
3. Votes accepted from known forum users who have had an account from the begining of January 2011 or earlier
4. You may NOT vote for your own file in the "community award" section. Well you can, but it doesnt count!
My hope is that you will use your creativity to its limit and there will be a huge number of entries: Prize choices will be offered to the winners. Don't overextend yourself - leave time to complete your entry!
Go go go!!

See the comments for all the gory details!
1. There must be Carnage LOTS of CARNAGE!
2. 2 months to complete (Closing Date = 12th April 2011)
3. Any setting.
4. Must have at least one new thing incorporated whether it is weapons, magic, sprites, fighting system. Anything new - use your imagination!
5. The one thing in point 4 (minimum of one) needs to be new to Dink OR previously developed by someone else, but not used in any actual dmod yet. (This means if you are not creative, you may choose your new "thing" from one of the awesome development files already out there (like poison status, armour demo, new death seq, graphics etc)that others have developed - only if those files have not been used in any actual previous dmod before the starting date of the contest).
6. Your dmod may have already been started (and may be redefined to fit the criteria of this contest) BUT it cannot be a dmod you have previously uploaded in any form.
7. Romp sized (may be large romp)
8. More Carnage did I mention you MUST have CARNAGE...
9. Your entry must be completed - no demos will be accepted
10.Team efforts welcome but only one prize per placing but a minimum of 4 entries before we "have a contest"!.
Your efforts will be rewarded in the following manner:
Guaranteed Prizes: plus a certificate dripping in blood
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place
1. The above will be as chosen by a panel of judges selected by staff.
2. A 4th prize will be a "Community award" (awarded to the dmod the community likes best)
3. Votes accepted from known forum users who have had an account from the begining of January 2011 or earlier
4. You may NOT vote for your own file in the "community award" section. Well you can, but it doesnt count!

My hope is that you will use your creativity to its limit and there will be a huge number of entries: Prize choices will be offered to the winners. Don't overextend yourself - leave time to complete your entry!
Go go go!!
count me in as this needs no story-line i can whip it up in a few weeks.
wonder what new stuff i will add? maybe some of my own graphincs? no i'm too sucky at that.
Ah yes i know i'll add that.(no not telling
wonder what new stuff i will add? maybe some of my own graphincs? no i'm too sucky at that.
Ah yes i know i'll add that.(no not telling

Yeah, I'm down for this!
I'll hopefully have something to submit when the time comes... No guarantees though! All the Dinkers that know how should submit something I think, all these contests with only two or three entries are kinda... Lonely.
EDIT: I would like to change my "no guarantee" into a "complete and utter guarantee". I've made the title-screen, intro, and written down some new ideas already!
I'll hopefully have something to submit when the time comes... No guarantees though! All the Dinkers that know how should submit something I think, all these contests with only two or three entries are kinda... Lonely.

EDIT: I would like to change my "no guarantee" into a "complete and utter guarantee". I've made the title-screen, intro, and written down some new ideas already!

The Dark Phoenix's Middle Night, here we come!

Two is lonely but three has traditionally been decent?
I like the contest theme btw^^

I like the contest theme btw^^
Thank You - now go play with your editor

What does carnage mean?
"What does carnage mean?"
1. widespread slaughter of people: widespread and indiscriminate slaughter or massacre, especially of human beings
2. many casualties: serious injury to a great many people, e.g. in a major accident
Encarta ® World English Dictionary © & (P) 1998-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
1. widespread slaughter of people: widespread and indiscriminate slaughter or massacre, especially of human beings
2. many casualties: serious injury to a great many people, e.g. in a major accident
Encarta ® World English Dictionary © & (P) 1998-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Ooooh I'm so tempted to join but I've got a D-Mod from the contest before the previous contest to finish. Hmmm maybe a break of 2 months from that will do me some good.
So... Sharp still can't resubmit Milder 3? Poor thing
Participating seems like a good idea. Now to find some inspiration.

Participating seems like a good idea. Now to find some inspiration.
I may whip something up.
I might throw something together I think.
Nice idea, good luck, I'm looking forward to playing them

I was just thinking that... IPlayDink should make at least one more!

Sounds good! Good luck to all who participate!
Guess what?
I'm working on it!
It might not be finished, and if it gets done; don't expect anything of "Agatha" quality.
I don't have that much spare time no more, sadly..
You'll play as "Alex", a new character I made in blender.
I'm working on it!
It might not be finished, and if it gets done; don't expect anything of "Agatha" quality.

I don't have that much spare time no more, sadly..
You'll play as "Alex", a new character I made in blender.
So we can expect awesome quality instead?!

Hey, just to check... It doesn't have to be Dink causing all the mass-murder/carnage stuff, does it? Can it be someone else and he's trying to stop 'em? If not, I think I can slightly redo the story I've come up with so Dink is causing carnage too

Yeh, are alternative heroes allowed? That is, you don't control Dink, but another sprite.
YES - allowed

Yes to me, or to Quiztis? I didn't mean a D-Mod as an alternative character, I meant one where the player controls Dink trying to stop someone else who causes all the carnage, instead of Dink himself causing mass-mayhem (and there will be a LOT, I've got a couple of ideas for mass carnage planned, with more ideas coming every other minute

Sorry Jugs, I missed your post - you can have a big YES as well
Happy now
Sounds like a nice twist - looking forward to it.
Carnage is carnage - I don't care who is causing it I wanna see BLOOD is all heh heh!

Carnage is carnage - I don't care who is causing it I wanna see BLOOD is all heh heh!
Hmm that gives me an idea is there a good recoloring tool for free(in that case besides the planned new thing will also create pool of blood(in the literal sense) too

Someone made a file that coloured things - have you had a look at that?
Well, I'm using photoshop in a colour indexing mode to recolour sprites, that way you can get them looking nice, while keeping them 8-bit. The only free thing I know of (that's any good) is Gimp, which is supposedly pretty good, 'though I haven't used it too much...
Paintshop pro is what I use (poormans photoshop) You can download free demos - usually long enough time on them to get something completed - but if you are stuck just yell - I love playing with graphics and am happy to help anyone and mine is full version as I bought it
Colorise is good cause it keeps the underlying tones - did you know there is heaps of free filters out there that give amazing effects that would work with your Photoshop?

Colorise is good cause it keeps the underlying tones - did you know there is heaps of free filters out there that give amazing effects that would work with your Photoshop?
OK will look at them. and hope if finished the judges love mine the most(dunno how many judges A.K.A. the voters will be there but i know i will like miy entry(wouldn't even put it online if i didn't

It would be funny if there were more entries than judges
EDIT: @MsDink, Yep, colourise is a good one, I think that and just fiddling around with the hue gets the nicer simple effects... I might have a look at that Paintshop Pro thing as well, I'm in that sorta mood

EDIT: @MsDink, Yep, colourise is a good one, I think that and just fiddling around with the hue gets the nicer simple effects... I might have a look at that Paintshop Pro thing as well, I'm in that sorta mood

Wait - I can enter more then one mod?!
Yes - you can make as many entries in two months as you like - this will of course split any votes you get, if they like em both

Heh, I have the perfect weapon for this that I've been sitting on for the past 5 years, if only the latest version of Dink Engine didn't have some kind of hit-detection error that's messing it up.
wow striker is in to now i so have to enter(i already wanted but now that one of the main staff says he joins i have to even more wonder how i could stop myself from getting distracted too much? Though with pain in my heart i guess i have to hide all the lovely pics with gloved ladies

Pretty good actually, without hyping too much. I'm hoping to get all my ideas done in time.
Oh, how's you blenering coming along, will we see any new graphics?

Well, I'm not making such a large game this time... I've got the basic ideas pinned down, made half of the intro and most of the mapping. And gosh, it's gonna be fun and bloody

Mine's going pretty good too... I've made most of the map, touched up the intro and made a lovely, bloody title screen. I've got my plot, as well as some ideas for unlockable stuff, so all that's left is to stop getting distracted by other things and to actually put it all into action

though i will enter haven't really started yet(first wrapping up another contest(which ends earlier but i will probably wrap my entry in this contest before the other's deadline is met).
and for the heck of it will make it so that even the buildings can be wrecked
.(and if persons are in it they all will be added to your murder count hehehehehe
and for the heck of it will make it so that even the buildings can be wrecked

Sounds like it's gonna be a very interesting contest!
I myself have made the character walking, with and without weapon, idle with and wiithout and hitting with weapon... Also some new sprites and images for intro. (a total of over 500 new sprites)
The story is also planned
I myself have made the character walking, with and without weapon, idle with and wiithout and hitting with weapon... Also some new sprites and images for intro. (a total of over 500 new sprites)
The story is also planned

500 NEW sprites
!? You've definitely beaten me, I've only got about 30 new sprites

Well, a new main character, animated with different weapons takes A LOT of frames XD
Random fact: My intro script will be over 900 lines long when it's done, and it's line 53 I'm writing at the moment.

How do you know how long it'll be if it isn't finished? XD
I'm currently working out the story and gameplay before I start working. I think I'm nearly done with the story and I'll start working on a big set of intro cutscenes soon.
(Becuase I'm competetive
) Random fact: My longest finished script to be used in this entry so far is 1244 lines long
And my shortest script is 4 lines long
Yeah, beat that Dinkers! Actually, on second thoughts, don't. I want to have the longest

Iplaydink: Simply put, I'm too lazy to actually make any progress on it, so I use my awesome powers of premonition to perform complicated calculations on how much work there is ahead of me.
That is Finnish power that you there in Sweden could never understand. Moahahaha.
That is Finnish power that you there in Sweden could never understand. Moahahaha.

Oh, how's you blenering coming along, will we see any new graphics?
You know it.
You know it.

1244 lines long
...and 1200 lines don't work correctly, right?
...and 1200 lines don't work correctly, right?

Actually, it does! It's that evasion script I made, so... If it didn't work, I'd be pretty ticked off
Although now you mention it, there is a small bug when the guard is in the south-east corner, but I have no idea what's causing it...
EDIT: ('Cos I'm a grammar Nazi) Also, you should have said "Don't", not "Doesn't".

EDIT: ('Cos I'm a grammar Nazi) Also, you should have said "Don't", not "Doesn't".

"there is a small bug when the guard is in the south-east corner" = there is a small bug which occurs when the guard is in the south-east corner

NOOOO!! Grammar, I have failed you, please forgive me...
However... As you rewrote my statement as a separate sentence afterwards with correct grammar, you should have put capitals and a full stop, so it actually would be the following:
There is a small bug which occurs when the guard is in the south-east corner.
Also, earlier on you said this:
Wait - I can enter more then one mod?!
Which is incorrect, and should in fact say:
Wait - I can enter more than one D-Mod?!

There is a small bug which occurs when the guard is in the south-east corner.

Also, earlier on you said this:
Wait - I can enter more then one mod?!
Which is incorrect, and should in fact say:
Wait - I can enter more than one D-Mod?!

Det här är anledningen till att jag inte stavar lika bra som dig, fröken England. Case closed.
Back to topic! Anyone who defile this and goes off-topic shall be punished by catapult. I HAVE SPOKEN!

Back to topic! Anyone who defile this and goes off-topic shall be punished by catapult. I HAVE SPOKEN!
På tal om spoken har jag inte pratat med dig på länge, varför ser jag dig aldrig på msn?
Oh and if you wonder what I just said, don't worry, I can assure you it's not off-topic.

Oh and if you wonder what I just said, don't worry, I can assure you it's not off-topic.
After looking up what you just said on an online translator, I will now say sorry. I keep forgetting most people aren't from England (or USA, but they spell things funny
), and also... Ni strax förlorat spelet (Is that how you say it?)
Anyway, yes, back to topic! Uh... I'll let someone else start

Anyway, yes, back to topic! Uh... I'll let someone else start

Hmm....I'm in. Dunno if I'll even come close to finishing, but I've got some ideas.
noyourewrongiwasntwritinganewsentenceiwasquotingtheerrorinyourstatementandcorrectingit"If it didn't work, I'd be pretty ticked off Although now you mention it, There is a small bug when the guard is in the south-east corner"wouldbewrongasthereisnoneedtocapitalisealetterproceedingacommaalsoseeingthatthisisacontestinvolvingthedinkengineonemaysafelyassumethatmodie:modificationmeansdinksmallwoodvideogamemodificationakaD-mod
Take that, Shakespeare!
Take that, Shakespeare!

Um... Yeah, but... Um... No, because I win

Hehe you ninja you. I was modifying while you were responding.
Hmmm, to get back on topic: I KEEEL YOU!!
Hmmm, to get back on topic: I KEEEL YOU!!

(does adding lots of blood after each post/sentence keep it on topic?)

(does adding lots of blood after each post/sentence keep it on topic?)

Just finished the character sheet for the player character - looks like I might be flunking out on this one X-D
Flunking out is not an acceptable response - please keep your arms in the vehicle at all times!
How important is the amount of carnage throughout the D-Mod? Is for example a D-Mod which builds up to a part with loads of carnage worse than a D-Mod which constantly throws random body parts at you without any purpose? Or doesn’t it matter as long as there is a lot of carnage in your D-Mod at some point?
Or doesn’t it matter as long as there is a lot of carnage in your D-Mod at some point?
*Nods* Sounds good. Lol at the random body parts!
Dont forget the "something new" tho
*Nods* Sounds good. Lol at the random body parts!
Dont forget the "something new" tho

It would be nice if this thread got to the "sticky list" during the contest.
Hmmm... interesting... maybe this will be an opportunity to finally
finish a first Dmod...
"a D-Mod which constantly throws random body parts at you without any purpose?"
finish a first Dmod...
"a D-Mod which constantly throws random body parts at you without any purpose?"

This is kinda hard to explain without ruining it, but... Basically, if I had another romp as an unlockable feature in the game (that wasn't as violent/gory/whatever), would that then make it classed as a quest, thus making it ineligible?
(I'm asking if I could add another unlockable romp (related to the main game) into my entry without it affecting my eligibility)
If not, I'll release it as a patch after the contest finishes.
(I'm asking if I could add another unlockable romp (related to the main game) into my entry without it affecting my eligibility)
If not, I'll release it as a patch after the contest finishes.

LOL Marp
Guess it would kinda be like someone releasing two seperate entries... this kind is just in the same package ... hmm....
Maybe some definitions may help
Romp = A short adventure that is usually lasts less than an hour.
Quest = A medium-sized adventure that lasts a few hours.
So striking a blance there could allow maybe...
Large Romp = Carnage contest entry lasting no more than one and a half hours
What do you lot think is acceptable for a large romp size?
Suggest you don't make it tooooooooo long cause the chaps that have agreed to judge may end up taking one look at the size and run for the hills... size DOES matter you know
Guess it would kinda be like someone releasing two seperate entries... this kind is just in the same package ... hmm....
Maybe some definitions may help
Romp = A short adventure that is usually lasts less than an hour.
Quest = A medium-sized adventure that lasts a few hours.
So striking a blance there could allow maybe...
Large Romp = Carnage contest entry lasting no more than one and a half hours
What do you lot think is acceptable for a large romp size?
Suggest you don't make it tooooooooo long cause the chaps that have agreed to judge may end up taking one look at the size and run for the hills... size DOES matter you know

I might squeeze it in then, not sure... I've planned 3 other unlockables as well as the aforementioned mini-romp or whatever (no idea how big/long it'll be yet), so I'll just see how big it is before I add it in. Won't be for a while though, I'm only about a third of the way through making the main romp so far

Don't over do it Jugs, you want to finish remember
culling is a good thing - maybe save some of the addons for another time

If I don't over do it, I'll never have a chance at winning

Oh, relax, I'll probably just cut it if I run out of time. I'm definitely gonna get this released in time for the competition, it's a nice break from my other DMOD

I'm out, there not a chance in the world that this'll be done in time. Mainly because I've done TONS of new graphics bu haven't scripted a single script ( except the weapons and magics to switch between graphics).
Too bad, IPD.
I made a lot of graphics too, that I won't be able to finish before the deadline. But I skipped them for now and just included the most crucial ones.

I made a lot of graphics too, that I won't be able to finish before the deadline. But I skipped them for now and just included the most crucial ones.
Must have at least one new thing incorporated whether it is weapons, magic, sprites, fighting system. Anything new - use your imagination!
The only part I think I'll have trouble with :\
The only part I think I'll have trouble with :\
Must have at least one new thing incorporated whether it is weapons, magic, sprites, fighting system. Anything new - use your imagination!
The only part I think I'll have trouble with :\
well could be really easy they failed to tell th quality of the new graphics so a super n00bish graphic could be more then enough. they also told they don't have to be yours ^^.
The only part I think I'll have trouble with :\
well could be really easy they failed to tell th quality of the new graphics so a super n00bish graphic could be more then enough. they also told they don't have to be yours ^^.
Just making one simple new weapon that makes surrounding enemies explode would count as something new!
There, I gave on possibility away! xD

well since you told yours one of my new things is a slow fire hellfire but for the rest the new stuff is just recolored water and destroyable homes some controlled by visions.
My biggest (in my opinion) new thing is remaining a secret... There's a dev file for it on here by someone else, but I'm almost completely re-doing the scripting side of it to the extent that it works almost completely differently. However, the core concept will remain (and work better, hopefully). I have a couple other new things too, but they're not really anything to be excited about
/End bragging
EDIT: Technically all DMOD's have something new... See, story-lines for DMODs are always different, therefore they're always something new!

/End bragging

EDIT: Technically all DMOD's have something new... See, story-lines for DMODs are always different, therefore they're always something new!

@duckbutt = anything will do thats new, doesnt have to be some wildly new scripted implosion that makes Dinks wig lift and resettle, make one pic and toss it in a corner if that part is the hard bit for you, throw your avatar on a bed, umm.. new flower-rock anything
not so hard really... still stuck - gimme a yell - i have so many graphics i havent used here i am sure you can *borrow* something
PS. for those of you who dunno who duckbum is - well... all that matters is that he does! heh heh

PS. for those of you who dunno who duckbum is - well... all that matters is that he does! heh heh
Here's an idea guys, maybe make the actual... game first, then focus on redrawing the intended custom graphics, if you have any time left?
Getting something New(ish) in your DMOD should be the easy part. There are plenty of untapped dev files. And making something new yourself can't be that hard can it?
Oh Rabid thats awesome hehe !!
Blhaaad galore
Whose a smartbutt then - well done!

those look like fun(poor dead in that second vid even after bing killed they get no rest
and that without necromancy
. too bad the d-mod necromancers seems to be rather dead i was so looking forward to that one.

Too bad I didn't login to the Dink Network soon enough or I might have checked it out. My D-Mod's are carnagy. If you can see it in a way. Bill and Kill should win if it was uploaded now with some new thingy. But it's already uploaded.
How are you guys doing? I'm done with my mapping now just need to fill that space with all the bloood, heh

Halfway done with the mapping, some scripting, and currently rigging a new modell.
barely begun mapping and have some scripting done. will make i on time that i'm positive on(the town wishes i weren't but will be leveled by me and other dinkers anyway

I haven't done any mapping other than a testing area. I’m working on a couple of new spells now. Most of the new graphics are finished and I won't make any new ones unless I have time left after the rest is finished. I worked out most of the story and am ready to start working on the intro as soon as I'm satisfied about the new bits of gameplay. I've got to hurry if I want to finish this in time

Wouldn't it be wiser to finish another competition D-Mod late rather than start a new one that is also going to be late?
Also, DGH. Just sayin'
Also, DGH. Just sayin'
I entered the contest because:
1 It's a CARNAGE D-Mod. I like to make blood flow occasionally
2 It's short. 2 months aren't going to delay my other D-Mods much and will be a welcome distraction.
3 It needs new things. If there's one thing I like to do then it's adding new things.
4 Competition. I've never really been in a D-Mod contest before. (I'm not counting the DDC contest since no one managed to finish their D-Mod in time.) I would like to see if I can manage to make something short for once and not feature creep too much as well as seeing how good my skills as a D-Modder are compared to others.
5 I'm planning to create even more new stuff for Day of the Carcass. If I make some of those things for my contest D-Mod then I can see how well those new things work in a different D-Mod as well as make a bit of progress on Day of the Carcass at the same time.
6 I'm planning to finish my D-Mods some day no matter how long it takes. In the end it won't matter what was finished first anyway. (At least not to me.)
1 It's a CARNAGE D-Mod. I like to make blood flow occasionally

2 It's short. 2 months aren't going to delay my other D-Mods much and will be a welcome distraction.
3 It needs new things. If there's one thing I like to do then it's adding new things.
4 Competition. I've never really been in a D-Mod contest before. (I'm not counting the DDC contest since no one managed to finish their D-Mod in time.) I would like to see if I can manage to make something short for once and not feature creep too much as well as seeing how good my skills as a D-Modder are compared to others.
5 I'm planning to create even more new stuff for Day of the Carcass. If I make some of those things for my contest D-Mod then I can see how well those new things work in a different D-Mod as well as make a bit of progress on Day of the Carcass at the same time.
6 I'm planning to finish my D-Mods some day no matter how long it takes. In the end it won't matter what was finished first anyway. (At least not to me.)
Do you deem it a romp by the size of the map, the time it takes to complete it, or both? My map's romp sized at the moment, but I'm worried it might end up turning into a slightly bigger map than I originally intended. If it's solely based on the amount of time, I should be fine though.
Oh goody! I won't have to cut any areas then

Nah, there's not that much, it's mostly a large village you can explore at the beginning. Rest of it's actually pretty linear

Oi, Juggles... May thy innocent mind forever remain untainted by the nasty shenanigans of these deranged Talporn victims.
Details for the press!
what are you doing in mehico schnapps?? Get your butt back here!
31 days left guys and counting....... go go go!
31 days left guys and counting....... go go go!
Lol MsDink - see St Patties thread for deets... lets see how skulls geography holds up

hmm I wonder if he thinks we stand on our heads all the time as well hehe P Not such a good thing if you are wearing a dress - dont wear dresses ok schnapps *shudders*
One word, MsDink, just one word: Scotland.
Well, let's test your geography, MsDink. Is Mexico east or west of China?

Och aye Schnapps. I so like a man in a kilt. We all play the bagpipes here so I am verra used to males in dresses heh heh... wind is my friend
*grins* can't wait!! - Scotland - faints with excitement
@Skull, depends where you are coming from whether tis north south east or west ya wally!!

*grins* can't wait!! - Scotland - faints with excitement
@Skull, depends where you are coming from whether tis north south east or west ya wally!!

A word of advice don't wipe your nose with the brim of ur kilt and me and scnapper are working on something that would fit the criteria but no way it will be finished by April maybe a month or two after I so far want to play kyles Mapros. Good luck to you all :/\.
my brother also found out you dont whip your kilt aside and pee on electric fences either Mrgantoe *cringe* You should start a new thread advising the scotts what not to do ... the fence thing was most unplesant and made him scream like a little girl
(hilarious to watch tho...)
Play my what?? I'm not making a dmod for this contest - I merely organised it, so not really fitting if I entered as well

Play my what?? I'm not making a dmod for this contest - I merely organised it, so not really fitting if I entered as well

Oh I didn't know and I probaly would start a thread but I would get flames for spamming :/\. Thought so msdink it would be fun for thirty seconds and then it would be bad and how come you set this up but didn't post the thread I see this other places to.
hehe I was kidding about the thread

31 days? The original post says the deadline is April 10th... You're confusing me...

Nothing confusing. 30 days until the deadline. Simple as that.
I told ya I hate numbers meta heh looks like I messed up - counting on my toes instead of my fingers - whatta wally
Ok, now its 20 days left? That sound better? Upside is at least you lot noticed I messed up haha

Ok, now its 20 days left? That sound better? Upside is at least you lot noticed I messed up haha
20 days?! Then I can slack 18 more days before I have to work.

*Smaks* Marpros wee butt - don't push your luck Mr!
Oldies like me are prone to heart attacks - don't want that on your conscience do you!! lol
Oldies like me are prone to heart attacks - don't want that on your conscience do you!! lol
Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait WAIT!! I cannot believe, that I ACTUALLY COUNTED WEEKS AS 10 DAYS!! *GASP GASP GASP*
See kids, that's what happens when you don't go to school.

See kids, that's what happens when you don't go to school.
Woah, hang on a sec, is it 10'th April england time? Or American time? Or Australian time?
Oh, and while I'm talking about it, is 10'th April the last day you can upload, or do you have to upload before then?
I need more brain juice... Mmm...
Oh, and while I'm talking about it, is 10'th April the last day you can upload, or do you have to upload before then?
I need more brain juice... Mmm...

If it's not specified you just do whatever suits you best...

See kids, that's what happens when you don't go to school.
what making a simple mistake be glad you didn't go to my school because there you got dumber instead of smarter.
and well hop to finish scripting soon(map is largely done but need to script towns folk, the boss(a royal guard who catches you in your rampage), a new spell and the ending(might make it th beginning of a series but the game will be a full game as th rules require)
it is allowed to make it the beginning of a series right?
what making a simple mistake be glad you didn't go to my school because there you got dumber instead of smarter.
and well hop to finish scripting soon(map is largely done but need to script towns folk, the boss(a royal guard who catches you in your rampage), a new spell and the ending(might make it th beginning of a series but the game will be a full game as th rules require)
it is allowed to make it the beginning of a series right?
"If it's not specified you just do whatever suits you best... " - Metatarasal
Heh, it does mean that if you haven't uploaded anything by the time Samoans start believing it is april 11th you're probably too late...

So how far along is everyone? Pulling out isn't allowed, just so you know... I'm expecting to see some top-notch games released for this! Or I will lose faith in everything
I just need to make the end-boss in mine and I'm done... Then I'll have to get my brother to bug test, which I hate doing because I'll probably end up having to rewrite half the game to get rid of all the bugs

I just need to make the end-boss in mine and I'm done... Then I'll have to get my brother to bug test, which I hate doing because I'll probably end up having to rewrite half the game to get rid of all the bugs

Wish i had more done but the map layout is pretty much done so now doing the first scripting(the Victi... err villigers and the houses(so they can be wrecked and a vision master script(like to call them that because it controls all vision related stuff)
Cool, I kinda got a basic-ish one as well! Great minds think alike, eh? Although... I'm not sure you could call my mind "great" exactly...
To be honest, I have some work left. It's looking really good so far.
I've really got to hurry up if I want to get my D-Mod finished. I haven't been able to work as much on it as I wanted to. I think I'm going to cut the story line and turn it into something like Mayhem. It won't be as good as I had planned but at least it'll be finished in time if all goes well.
Aha! I look forward to seeing them! Mine's finished now, but I'm worried it doesn't have enough carnage in it to be legible... Ah well, I shall just submit it when the time comes and see what happens

Just make your main character slaughter a Llama every 5 minutes for no reason whatsoever to make it qualify. Surely 10 days would be enough to implement that...
On a more general note: I'll probably be doing some of the judging and as far as I'm concerned I look for two things in the entries: How well it fits into the contest description and overall quality. So if you have an entry that doesn't fit in very well you could compensate for that by just having a fantastic DMOD. However your best chances of winning are to have it fit the description quite well as you can expect others to make quite decent entries too. It's very unlikely that we'll turn it down for the contest, it just makes a better chance of winning if it fits the spirit of the contest well. At least that's how I look at it.
EDIT: Just to give you an example of this: In the last contest I was a judge too, and there were some DMODs that where difficult to seperate. Two DMODs that I found difficult to choose between were "Agatha Smallwood's Will" and "The River". I found the river to be a slightly better DMOD but Agatha Smallwood's will to fit the spirit of the contest better. In the end I chose for Agatha Smallwood's will, based mainly on a gut feeling. But this example shows a bit of how I do my judging. This mechanism has been around for a while too, I can still remember that Dreamweaver wasn't considered weird enough for the weird DMOD contest...

On a more general note: I'll probably be doing some of the judging and as far as I'm concerned I look for two things in the entries: How well it fits into the contest description and overall quality. So if you have an entry that doesn't fit in very well you could compensate for that by just having a fantastic DMOD. However your best chances of winning are to have it fit the description quite well as you can expect others to make quite decent entries too. It's very unlikely that we'll turn it down for the contest, it just makes a better chance of winning if it fits the spirit of the contest well. At least that's how I look at it.

EDIT: Just to give you an example of this: In the last contest I was a judge too, and there were some DMODs that where difficult to seperate. Two DMODs that I found difficult to choose between were "Agatha Smallwood's Will" and "The River". I found the river to be a slightly better DMOD but Agatha Smallwood's will to fit the spirit of the contest better. In the end I chose for Agatha Smallwood's will, based mainly on a gut feeling. But this example shows a bit of how I do my judging. This mechanism has been around for a while too, I can still remember that Dreamweaver wasn't considered weird enough for the weird DMOD contest...
Ah, that's encouraging then. There's a lot of blood at the start and end, but the middle is a bit empty in terms of carnage. However, thanks to the design of the middle of my DMOD, I might be able to add in a crazy fight somewhere... Possibly two.
well i'm pretty far just need to start and finsih 4 or 5 scripts and i'm done.
the villagers(all share the same script)
the homes(will use the barrel trick(easier to set up and requres only a minor edit of the premade script)
the person who givs you the new spell(and the spell itself)
and finally the final boss.
after that i can post it online
the villagers(all share the same script)
the homes(will use the barrel trick(easier to set up and requres only a minor edit of the premade script)
the person who givs you the new spell(and the spell itself)
and finally the final boss.
after that i can post it online
4 days left guys OHHhhhhhhh *rubs hands together*
Hurry hurry finish them off my pretties! *wrings hands*

Hurry hurry finish them off my pretties! *wrings hands*
I will make sure mine is finished on time even if it has a few bugs(just need to finsih the boss recolor tiles telport system instead of vision and then the ending and credits(sounds like more work then it is really a good evening and maybe an afternoon and it's done)
Sorry, I'm studying full-time. but I didn't forget you all - here's my contibution:

I'm all about done, yet... well, I botched up something, so I can't access my laptop for the rest of the week until Sunday or Monday. Am I to be lynched if I won't be able to upload my entry by April 10th, but at April 11th? Or fed to the dogs? Or to DDC?
Aww schnapps - thats like an early christmas present hehe I am in heaven
@Synbi, I am ok with the can't access the laptop thing - but I have also asked a few to judge so its kinda their call on that one - I must say its better than the usual excuse here 'my little brother did it' so I think you deserve points for that...... their call though
Edit, your planning skills require rebooting tho hehe be a buggar after all that work if they said no

@Synbi, I am ok with the can't access the laptop thing - but I have also asked a few to judge so its kinda their call on that one - I must say its better than the usual excuse here 'my little brother did it' so I think you deserve points for that...... their call though

Edit, your planning skills require rebooting tho hehe be a buggar after all that work if they said no

If someone needs an extra day to finish their dmod, I'm perfectly fine with extending the deadline to the 11th. For the sake of fairness, though, I think that the deadline should be extended for everyone, rather than just giving special permission for one dinker to be late.
I agree scratchy one, (darnit thats a first hehe *wink*) how about final FINAL upload time is the 12th April 2011 (an additional day covering any other little brother excuses). Midnight on the 12th - perhaps European time rather than NZ cause I am 12 hours ahead of you lot. (i think - I hate daylight saving grr messes with my head)
One additional day to add more *flowers and smilies*
All official judges ok with that?
One additional day to add more *flowers and smilies*
All official judges ok with that?
Or we could make it on the 14 my birthday (worst birthday ever aberham linkon was shot and the titanic sunk) and we could all pretend that it's my present -_-.
more blood for your birthday? Awww thats awful Mrgantoe we couldnt do that to you

I'm okay with that, if a two day extension will bring in an extra DMOD it is worth it.
So, the final upload time would be April 12th 23:59 UTC?
So, the final upload time would be April 12th 23:59 UTC?
well i tihkn i can make the initial deadline but the extended time gives me the time to find(hopefully that is) a ideal midi for the town with the victi... er villagers.(also a slowdown is that my mothers birthday is friday)
April 7th 2011, 06:09 AM


Ah, this is good news! This means I'll actually have some time to finish off the secret/unlockable stuff I've been making. Hurrah!

The 12th is fine by me... but I say anyone who uploads after the 10th gets lynched, fed to the dogs and the DDC anyway, just for fun

And those who don't upload at all?
might feed them to the DDC myself.
and will do my best to upload my entry tomorrow wether or not i have the sleepy sleepy sleepy town midi for the town and it's vict... er inhabitants.

might feed them to the DDC myself.
and will do my best to upload my entry tomorrow wether or not i have the sleepy sleepy sleepy town midi for the town and it's vict... er inhabitants.
Hey Sparrow, could you edit the news post to include the new deadline?
i bet Sparrow can but for now might just make the deadline of the 10th but will be close though(will do final testing and 2 endings depending on which for of the final boss you humiliate

Excellent choice extending the deadline. Now I have some debugging time. Tytytytyty
well I'm allmost done and most likely will be able to send in mine on the 11th(just recoloring and the ending and i'm done(though not with osme details i wanted but that i can ad if i decide to make a version 1,1 and up but is so not needed for the entry though would be nice details for later versions))
ok mine is finished now so do i use the contribute button or do i have to email it? hope to be told quickly as i wouldn't want to mis the deadline due to that)
I think you just do it through the contribute button. It's what I've done

ok then will do so with mine now(hope we don't discover it had to be via email later)
Yeah, use the Contribute button, that's simplest for everyone. If there's some problem with that for some reason, though, you can also email it to MsDink, or any active staff member, and things should work out.
ok just send mine and thanks for confirming it scratcher.
Faints with delight
hope mine is bloody enough to satisfy your bloodlust MsDink

hope mine is bloody enough to satisfy your bloodlust MsDink
My D-Mod is almost done. It's going to be horribly short but it has a couple of fancy new spells to compensate for that. There's only a bit of mapping left to be done. (Quite a bit actually (a whole lot actually (more like the whole map (I haven't actually started mapping yet...)))) I wish I had time to add a couple more things like: a spell/item that would significantly increase the carnage level of my D-Mod (there's far too little carnage in it now for my taste
); a tutorial so nobody has to go through the horrible act of reading the readme (which isn't finished yet either); a bit of story line so stuff actually makes some sense.
Well I’d better get back to work. I’m looking forward to playing the other D-Mods (and I hope I won’t end up getting last place for making the shortest one

Well I’d better get back to work. I’m looking forward to playing the other D-Mods (and I hope I won’t end up getting last place for making the shortest one

April 12th 2011, 12:15 PM


Yay, I'm getting excited now!
But like Erwin, I'm really worried that my DMOD doesn't have anywhere near enough carnage. I'd planned to have it so full of carnage that it would make Chuck Norris faint, but then I got distracted making a temple/ran out of time and as a result it's probably gonna be not carnagey enough for ya'll;( Hopefully my end-boss fight will make up for it a little bit.
But like Erwin, I'm really worried that my DMOD doesn't have anywhere near enough carnage. I'd planned to have it so full of carnage that it would make Chuck Norris faint, but then I got distracted making a temple/ran out of time and as a result it's probably gonna be not carnagey enough for ya'll;( Hopefully my end-boss fight will make up for it a little bit.
Only two entries submitted to TDN so far, but at least three more are supposedly still coming?
If that was really the case, I bet Dinkers would be either busy having a life or would just be lazy. In other words, I wouldn't trust my mixture of eyebrows and eggs into Dinkers' hands.
If that was really the case, I bet Dinkers would be either busy having a life or would just be lazy. In other words, I wouldn't trust my mixture of eyebrows and eggs into Dinkers' hands.
seems sofar we are 1 entry short please let more come just like Msdink i wanna spill some blood and decorate my room with it.
I've found neither mods I looked at the latest file and it was ms dinks graphics pack
I know. I believe the entries are collected up and then they are all released at the same time.
10 minutes left. I'm not quite finished yet. I wonder if I should release this at all...
EDIT: Nope, not going to make it. I'm not going to release an unfinished D-Mod for the sake of entering the contest and getting a certificate that I don't deserve. I'll release my D-Mod some other time. It's pretty painful after all the hard work that's been put into it but I would be making it worse by releasing it now. At least my work won't be for nothing when I do finish it.
Excuse me, I'm going to kill something now.
EDIT: Nope, not going to make it. I'm not going to release an unfinished D-Mod for the sake of entering the contest and getting a certificate that I don't deserve. I'll release my D-Mod some other time. It's pretty painful after all the hard work that's been put into it but I would be making it worse by releasing it now. At least my work won't be for nothing when I do finish it.
Excuse me, I'm going to kill something now.
Erwin... dont be a quitter - we don't have a contest till there are
.... but a minimum of 4 entries before we "have a contest"!.
Aww com'mon guys geesh...
Edit: Me too Jugs ! Geesh ya would think I have a dose of 'bloodlust' heh
.... but a minimum of 4 entries before we "have a contest"!.
Aww com'mon guys geesh...
Edit: Me too Jugs ! Geesh ya would think I have a dose of 'bloodlust' heh
but a minimum of 4 entries before we "have a contest"!
Oh shoot!
Ehm... I I'll see what I can do.
Oh shoot!
Ehm... I I'll see what I can do.
so much hype and excitement but no BLAHD !! whatta let down
Synbi ON YOUR BIKE mr !! hurry hurry hurryyyyyy
Synbi ON YOUR BIKE mr !! hurry hurry hurryyyyyy
dang. I forgot to remove the save.dat files. Can you remove them or can I re-upload the D-Mod without those files included?
MsDink, this is what always happens, so not a let down. More than I expected in fact.
And wow, Erwin. What did I tell you, quitter. I guess we'll see another demo from you. I told you should have sticked with the DDC D-Mod.
And wow, Erwin. What did I tell you, quitter. I guess we'll see another demo from you. I told you should have sticked with the DDC D-Mod.

its not a let down Skull, that was a last ditch effort at encouraging the fellas
I have been made proud is all I can say just now
Well done guys!
and enough with the doom and gloom - think fairies and rainbows instead of ... well just think happy thoughts

and enough with the doom and gloom - think fairies and rainbows instead of ... well just think happy thoughts

Finally sent it just a minute ago
sorry for being so late.
Thank you for extending the deadline!

Thank you for extending the deadline!
Yeaaaah.... Certainly stretching the deadline a little bit, but at least it's still the 12th somewhere in the world.

I can't upload the D-Mod again without the save.dat. It says a file named that already exists. Please remove it so I can upload my D-Mod wihtout save.dat files. Don't even think I would be a lamer and change other things too, you could compare EVERY script and EVERY screen to see it's the exact same file.
You could upload it as a new version instead of a new file, that should work.
and enough with the doom and gloom - think fairies and rainbows instead of ... well just think happy thoughts
but spreading doom and gloom are happy thoughts for me.
and well fairies are too infact my sweetest dreams are filled with them(especially glove wearing ones)

but spreading doom and gloom are happy thoughts for me.
and well fairies are too infact my sweetest dreams are filled with them(especially glove wearing ones)
and enough with the doom and gloom - think fairies and rainbows instead of ... well just think happy thoughts
And make sure they involve
And make sure they involve

well said Dinkulum
Game over fellas
was kidding about certificates and prizes but thanks for all the BLAAD hehe
Presents and bribery money can be sent c/- of me and I can make sure the judges all get their share *coff*

Game over fellas

Presents and bribery money can be sent c/- of me and I can make sure the judges all get their share *coff*

Sure msdink tell us that after I sent in my money
Merder, what's up with you and your glove fetish?
Well is something i just can't resist.
I just love how it brings out the hands of women.(and with that how the whole look is).
And well i really doubt it would be a problem mentioning that i love them is a problem as long i keep it in the TOS

Well is something i just can't resist.
I just love how it brings out the hands of women.(and with that how the whole look is).
And well i really doubt it would be a problem mentioning that i love them is a problem as long i keep it in the TOS
It's official I'm afraid of every one on the dink network including my self we all have quiet the fetishes/views that make us cold blooded killers for what we believe in. But I'm going to say it politely were all american.
It's official I'm afraid of every one on the dink network including my self we all have quiet the fetishes/views that make us cold blooded killers for what we believe in. But I'm going to say it politely were all american.
i think a better way of saying would be we are all human. and everyone likes something(and everyone likes other things in a different amount).
i think a better way of saying would be we are all human. and everyone likes something(and everyone likes other things in a different amount).
i think a better way of saying would be we are all human. and everyone likes something
Amen to that.
Amen to that.

April 14th 2011, 02:20 PM


"It's official I'm afraid of every one on the dink network including my self we all have quiet the fetishes/views that make us cold blooded killers for what we believe in. But I'm going to say it politely were all american."
-"i think a better way of saying would be we are all human. and everyone likes something(and everyone likes other things in a different amount)."
well really, if you aren't american you aren't human.
-"i think a better way of saying would be we are all human. and everyone likes something(and everyone likes other things in a different amount)."
well really, if you aren't american you aren't human.
Alright, I'll go kick someone's ass just cause I like it. After all, I'm a human being like everyone else, and I like kicking lots of ass.

Alright, I'll go kick someone's ass just cause I like it. After all, I'm a human being like everyone else, and I like kicking lots of ass.
I don;t care if it is literal or figure of speech as long it isn't mine i'm rooting for you.

I don;t care if it is literal or figure of speech as long it isn't mine i'm rooting for you.
well really, if you aren't american you aren't human.
Wow, I don't even know you and now I have a reason to hate you.
Get your head out of your ass and you may notice that America is not the only place in the world, nor is it the main contributor to this network (as a continent). I hate seeing Americans who can't understand such a simple concept.
As for kicking things, I can't punch, so it's my only line of defense...
Wow, I don't even know you and now I have a reason to hate you.
Get your head out of your ass and you may notice that America is not the only place in the world, nor is it the main contributor to this network (as a continent). I hate seeing Americans who can't understand such a simple concept.
As for kicking things, I can't punch, so it's my only line of defense...
Heh! At least he didn't say we're all Canadian!
Technically speaking, that video indicates that all Canadians are Australian...
Technically speaking, that video indicates that all Canadians are Australian...
well really, if you aren't american you aren't human.
Do you know the road to hell? Cause if you don't, I'd be happy to take you there.
Do you know the road to hell? Cause if you don't, I'd be happy to take you there.
April 15th 2011, 07:33 AM


Get your head out of your ass and you may notice that America is not the only place in the world, nor is it the main contributor to this network (as a continent). I hate seeing Americans who can't understand such a simple concept.
because only americans do that
because only americans do that

Unstickinifyed, due to being over. Las resultos will be in a new thread.
Wow, I don't even know you and now I have a reason to hate you.
I'm preeeetty sure that guy was joking. Or at least I would be joking if I said something as ridiculous as that.
I'm preeeetty sure that guy was joking. Or at least I would be joking if I said something as ridiculous as that.
I was joking Americans are very not going to say it but what I will say there not going to be on top for long but neither is Ireland so what do I care jk I care about the world and it's convenient never ending problems. Oh and by amarican I ment an ass but that's probaly only to me were I came from I could get food from the nomad herder people I guess you could call them and all I had to give was one of the wicker basket I make. I'm as close to Amish as you can get but I need tech. But were I live now step on some ones shoe and they are just about ready to fight you.
Lol, I would love to try the Amish way - just living off the land. On other news, China has been predicted to overtake America's economy in 2019, but let's remember China is a manufacturing country, not an designing country, so time will tell.
another question for now. When can i start spilling blood? I so wanna spill it all whether or not required for the D-mod's.
me first merder
well that's ok but leave some for me.
and if you're not greedy in that and you're old enough i might buy you a drink or two.

well that's ok but leave some for me.
and if you're not greedy in that and you're old enough i might buy you a drink or two.
Hmm I Think I may be old enough - but i am NOT wearing gloves!!

Hmm I Think I may be old enough
Hmm only may? well sorry then fraid i won't get you those drinks(don't wanna be arrsted for that nomatter how slim the chances are hope you understand) but when you grow certainly old enough(16 here for light alcaholic drinks and 18 for the rest(though better would be 21)
but i am NOT wearing gloves!!
aww darn would have loved to see you in them especially if you were around my age. oh well glad i'm no so in to them that i can't stand seeing barehanded chicks(still prefer seeing them in them)
Hmm only may? well sorry then fraid i won't get you those drinks(don't wanna be arrsted for that nomatter how slim the chances are hope you understand) but when you grow certainly old enough(16 here for light alcaholic drinks and 18 for the rest(though better would be 21)
but i am NOT wearing gloves!!

aww darn would have loved to see you in them especially if you were around my age. oh well glad i'm no so in to them that i can't stand seeing barehanded chicks(still prefer seeing them in them)
Military can get alcholhol under 21 (legal limit here)
u get to drink alcohol at 18 yrs in finland. altho most start drinking at the age of 16.
so at 97years old (my current age) you wont let me drink merder?? awww
well sure if you aren't lying about you're age(when i was too young for certain stuff did it myself too so not blaming you as it is only natural).
and well only if you don't drink till you drop.
and now a to go back on topic any idea when the entries are released so that i finally can silence my hunger for blood gore and overall carnage?
and well only if you don't drink till you drop.
and now a to go back on topic any idea when the entries are released so that i finally can silence my hunger for blood gore and overall carnage?