The Dink Network

New D-Mod: The Defeat of the Terrorists

December 1st 2009, 07:32 AM
The great hero Dink Smallwood discovers a hideout full of (apparently half-stoned) terrorists and proceeds to do what he does best.

DinkDoodler presents: The Defeat of the Terrorists!

It kinda reminds me of Happy Sunshine Land... without the sunshine. Or happiness.

December 1st 2009, 07:32 PM
Peasant He/Him United States 
You should work on your DMODing skills before submitting any more DMODs. This quality is expected for a first DMOD, but you really haven't shown any sort of improvement from this one (no offense).

Just a few tips to keep you moving forward..

Use visible barriers.
The way you have your screens set up, you don't give any sense of direction to the player. You need to visually show the player the otherwise invisible boundaries you have set.

Enemy scripts.
Sometimes, assigning properties to a sprite in the editor just doesn't cut it. There are some values that you simply don't have access to via the editor for example sp_distance() and sp_range() which are needed to make the enemy attack. If you're confused on this, copy the bonca script (en-bonc.c) and just change the base_walk, base_attack, base_death.. to the values you need.

Check into some of the tutorials if you haven't yet. An introduction to DMOD making is a good one.
December 2nd 2009, 05:00 AM
rabidwolf9 metatarsal didnt explain making cutscenes. And i want to add bow and arrow to the game, howdo i do that plz tell me.
Thanks for your advice.Anyway dont give it as bad a score as the one on my first dmod
And sparrowhawk i made it to show i hate the terrorists in pakistan
I thought it was a nice story idea
December 2nd 2009, 06:02 AM
Bard He/Him Netherlands
I object 
I made an entire chapter about cutscenes.

A cutscene is almost the same as an intro, you can use it in the same way. And you already have an intro.
In fact this DMOD has already got a few 'normal' cutscenes as well: The signs talking when you enter the screen. That's already a cutscene, you can consider making it a bit more complicated by making people move etc, but the basis is there. Just check out chapter 11 in my tutorial to see how to do those more complicated cutscenes.

The largest problem your DMOD seems to have is that you don't use any globals to create the story. This means you have a number of problems, the most annoying one is that you can defeat the final boss over and over again by re-entering the screen. Please read chapter 8 in my tutorial very well so you understand how you can use variables to make a story.

And please ask if something isn't clear.
December 2nd 2009, 06:40 AM
"And i want to add bow and arrow to the game, howdo i do that plz tell me."

A good thing to use if you want to know how to do specific things like that is the DinkC Reference file, you can find that in the develop folder called dinkc.chm.

It lists every DinkC command often with examples on how to use them, and the 'techniques' section talks about adding items, fighting, choice menus etc etc. Very useful.
December 3rd 2009, 04:37 AM
Matatarsal really sorry if i hurt your feelings. I meant to say... i couldn't understand the move_stop and how to get thrree or four sprites talk at once