The Dink Network

Dink Smallwood HD

Champion Pig Farmer
It all began in a world where dragons roamed the land and knights fought with valor and honor.

And then there was Dink. Can a simple pig farmer thrust into an epic journey of magic and adventure save the world?

Dink Smallwood HD is the newly remixed version of the classic RPG brought to you by the original creators.

Play Dink on Windows by clicking the big green download button below.

Play Dink on Mac OS X by downloading it from

Play Dink on your iPhone or iPad for free by getting it from the App Store.

Play Dink on your Android device for free by getting it from the Play Store.

Play Dink on Linux and Mac for free with FreeDink.

HINT: Click-and-drag to move around DinkHD menus when running on Windows.
Released:August 15th, 2022
File Size:92.67 MB
Release Notes: ------ Change log for 1.99 ---------- (August 2022)

* map_tile dinkc command now checks ranges and if there is actually source tile data to write in that index (ebilV, Robj)
* Detects and fixes a rare situation where a sprite is connected to a dead script (Robj)
* Disabled the window bar menu, alt would appear to freeze the game (Robj)
* Properly shows correct dinkc version when starting a dmod, before showed incorrect version (Robj)
* if update_status is disabled, it doesn't blank out that area, it just leaves whatever was there (Robj)
Let's Play (DSPT)

July 7th, 2011
v1.4.7 Build 1
Score : 9.5 exceptional
Peasant He/Him United States
Love! True love! 
At first, I couldn't get this file to work. After some tinkering, I got it up and running and decided to give it a shot. I have to say, everything is shinier, with more bells and whistles than the original. It has a souped up menu, an autosave feature, what is basically a fast forward button, a quicker way to get D-Mods, and more. Everything we know and love, but with a cherry on top.

I haven't been able to get the direct URL D-Mod download function to work ("Error! Server timed out!"), but I can still play the recommended files and all that other good stuff. The autosave is really helpful. If you do something important and get jumped before you can make your way to a save spot, now it's no biggie. Just go down and load the autosave slot. The fast forward button is pretty neat as well; it speeds up the entire game. It's like EVERYTHING has herb boots. I haven't tried the FFW button combined with herb boots, but I imagine some space-time distortion would follow shortly afer. The menu was pretty neat, with a better navigation than the original.

The thing that I liked most about Dink Smallwood HD though, is that it's a lot easier to get people sucked into Dink with mobile capability and HD slapped on at the end.
"Hey, do you want to download Dink Smallwood? It's an old '97 game. Just go to this site."
Compared to:
"Hey, do you want to download Dink Smallwood HD? Just pull out your iPhone and download it."
"Yeah, sure."

I've already gotten a few of my friends (that I had been trying to get hooked on Dink for a while) to download it, and they enjoy it. I am really glad that this file was released.

TopicPostsPosterLast Post
House blocking Bishop Nelson4StuckDecember 15th 2024, 11:30 PM
Sad Dink confession...5spinnerwebSeptember 20th 2023, 06:06 PM
Help me make DinkHD better180SethFebruary 12th 2022, 08:55 AM
let's do a bug list or something13SkurnJune 19th 2018, 08:14 PM
Black Screen After Updating Android3GOKUSSJ6November 23rd 2017, 02:39 AM
DinkHD 1.8.9 Android - Alpha Shadows Contain Other Parts Of Screen When Zoomed In and Normal Speed3redink1November 19th 2017, 10:58 PM
DinkHD 1.8.7 - Status Issues5redink1November 10th 2017, 07:12 AM
Dink flaw found10MattOctober 31st 2017, 11:10 PM
DinkHD v1.8.9 - Android Performance Very Bad With Large Sprites2redink1October 31st 2017, 11:05 PM
Dink HD - Good Shadows Patch29redink1October 25th 2017, 02:03 PM
DinkHD 1.8.5 - Mouse Clicks Are Weird2redink1October 2nd 2017, 09:55 AM
Known Bugs?10redink1May 14th 2013, 06:01 AM
Issues with mouse pointer 4KiwiApril 1st 2012, 11:30 AM
Dink HD not working with D-mods11picklesMarch 30th 2012, 11:25 PM
Stuck in the ocean near Koka Island!5Dinker20October 23rd 2011, 01:43 AM
It has more bugs than the inside of an ant hill5duckhaterSeptember 14th 2011, 11:58 AM