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Seth's Profile

Peasant He/Him Japan
I like makin' games. How couldn't you?

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2023-02-16 19:35:35
Peasant He/Him Japan
Dink HD supports no translation features. I could add support for .po translation files easily I think (example file: ) but unfortunately due to the restrictive licensing I cannot include it with the game itself. I'm not sure of the legality of offering in-game on the fly downloading of them...

It would be great if translators could be tracked down and coaxed into also releasing translations under a more open zlib style license.

There is also the possibility of adding internal auto-translation (see my work with Universal Game Translator) but uhh... despite many improvements, auto-translations still aren't great, but it might help Chinese/Japanese players, etc. in cases where no translations exist.

Seth has released 10 files

Dink Smallwood Original 3ds Max ModelsDevelopment, OfficialExceptional 9.5August 26th, 2023
Dink Smallwood HDOfficialGood 8.6August 15th, 2022
Mystery IslandD-Mod, Quest, OfficialGood 8.1January 2nd, 2010
Dink Smallwood CD AudioOfficialGood 8.2August 7th, 2006
Dink Smallwood 1.08 Source CodeDevelopment, Source, Official, Dink.exeExceptional 9.9March 10th, 2006
Dink SmallwoodOfficialExceptional 9.5March 10th, 2006
Search for Milli Vanilli (The)D-Mod, RompFair 5.5February 26th, 2006
Mystery Island BMP GraphicsDevelopment, Graphics, OfficialExceptional 9.4January 1st, 1990
Dink Smallwood BMP GraphicsDevelopment, Graphics, OfficialExceptional 9.1January 1st, 1990
Making of Mystery Island (The)Development, Tutorial, OfficialFair 5.9January 1st, 1990