The Dink Network

Tullisti's Profile

2002-08-20 14:35:31
: : : I have a problem- i created a nice spaceship, but i dont know how to add colors to it.. could anyone help me?

: : I don't know much about blender but I know how to change the collor of the whole thing, just click on the Material Button and change the r.g.b. code...

: Thanks!

select teh object you want coloured, tehn click on teh materieals button. you can change many things such as the colour, spec (shinyness), hardness, transparency...

Tullisti has released 2 files

Applying Dink Palettes in GIMPDevelopment, TutorialGood 8.0January 1st, 2003
Tullisti's First Graphics PackDevelopment, GraphicsGood 8.5December 28th, 2002

Tullisti has written 5 reviews

Wow The Ultimate Dink File Format FAQNormalExceptional 9.7December 4th, 2002
Texsynth TexSynthFeaturedTolerable 3.2November 20th, 2002
Ok Customized Cursor CollectionFeaturedHorrible 2.0August 20th, 2002
I Dont Know What To Call This Alternative HeroesNormalExceptional 9.4June 17th, 2002
Well Dinky Dimensions 1: FIATNormalGood 8.7May 27th, 2002