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DuckLord's Profile

2006-05-10 06:09:49
Thanks for the clarification about copying, I now understand what you mean. And I agree with you for the most part.

About those screenshots, I think they look nice and not crude at all. (to anybody who thinks they're crude : play Goblinoma Z and Baywatch Isle. Seriously.) Perhaps the screen with the pillbugs should have a bit more background, however, such as a tree or some rocks (tile rocks, not sprite rocks) instead of just bushes.

Also, if there are to be four dragons, maybe the elements and the dragons' colours should be 'linked' (i.e., maybe the Air Dragon should be halfway invisible and a bit white, or at least less red, or something like that)?

DuckLord has released 2 files

Cast Awakening Part 1: InitiationD-Mod, QuestExceptional 9.5August 10th, 2022
Unlock Fiat SecretsMiscellaneous, CheatExceptional 9.4January 7th, 2006

DuckLord has written 6 reviews

Story : the Story is the Main Strenght of the Game Knight's Tale 2 (A)NormalGood 8.9July 17th, 2003
Argh Dink Smallwood Intro MovieNormalTolerable 4.0July 16th, 2003
Story : There is Almost No Story Glenn's First D-ModNormalHorrible 1.9June 12th, 2003
Story : Indeed Search for the Green Mushroom (The)NormalTolerable 3.0June 12th, 2003
This is the First Episode of the Cloud Castle Series Cloud CastleNormalExceptional 9.1April 11th, 2003
Story : Very Fun Knight's Tale (A)NormalGood 8.2April 11th, 2003