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Reply to Site News: Generation 8 Launched

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February 8th 2003, 04:18 PM
King He/Him United States bloop
A mother ducking wizard 
Well, after passing innumerable deadlines like 15 MPH cars on the expressway, Miasma v2/Generation 8 has launched. It isn't complete yet... I'd estimate it at about 80%. However, everything that is visible right now should work fine... if it doesn't, please post a message on the board right away. And if you can't post on the board... use E-Mail.

Kudos to Superwolfman for designing the new logo, and misc. other graphics.

There is some more information in the Comments section.

What's new?

* New Design, which is (IMHO) much better than the old one.
* Password Retrieval in case you forget your password.
* E-Mail Verification upon signing up for an account.
* Blogs. Visit the account section for more information.
* Misc. Account tweaks (reviews are much easier to modify, previews can be deleted, and so on).
* The ability to change your password.
* Board sub-forums, and other new/different board things.
* Unified Login. If you log into the account, you're logged in everywhere.

What's Different?
* The Timeline has been taken down. If there is a demand, it will probably be brought back, but changed.

What's Coming?
* Archive, Articles, Awards, and Help areas (soon).
* Messaging with 'Buddy Lists' or something.
* Re-adding all of the old screenshots and links.
* Other Misc. Things.