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Reply to Awards: Catchup

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March 20th 2006, 08:09 PM
King He/Him United States bloop
A mother ducking wizard 
You know how it goes... one minute you have some tomatoes in a bushel basket, and the next they're splattered all along the staircase. Then you make fries out of potatoes and find a use for the grungy ketchup.

Voting is from March 20th to March 27th.

January 2006 Download of the Month - Choose from a bunch of Windemere dev files, WinDinkedit Plus, or the Ice Orb spell.

February 2006 Download of the Month - Choose from Dink Colors, Dink Zorro, or the Video Tutorial on Warps.

I've decided to drop the 'Nomination' process this year... there didn't seem to be a good reason to do it to begin with. So the following awards are for the real Download of the Year, in each category:

2005 D-Mod of the Year

2005 Development File of the Year

2005 Miscellaneous File of the Year