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Reply to Updated D-Mod: Cloud Castle 2 v0.97

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October 3rd 2004, 06:18 AM
King He/Him United States bloop
A mother ducking wizard 
Jealous of Initiation v1.0.1, Arik and SabreTrout have updated Cloud Castle 2: Scarab to v0.97. Many, many bugs have been fixed, view the comments to be awed by their glory.

Reinstated boss mode from a later backup
Made boss mode more clickable
Put bits of script for Fabian the right way round when spying on the goblins
Fixed annoying wounded hunter guy so he doesn't freeze you when you talk to him
Fixed variable-wrecking fountain script that left you stuck as a combat-ready duck
Fixed hugely killer variable problem caused by going through Pencilhead's dungeon twice
Fixed hardness issues in the dig and in certain houses
Fixed bombable crates in the dragon caves
Changed name of dragon cave midi - for some reason it went funny when called 25
Rearranged bookshelves to be more readable
Added scripts to books on TOA level three, as originally intended
Changed vines so they can be cut with any sword - should keep people from getting stuck
Fixed sabretrout's hilariously scripted ogre's tear barrier
Preloaded seq on the bane bonca for Stampede button
Preloaded seqs in the initial Scarab Seven meeting
Preloaded seq on goblin sentry, sp_dirred him as well, should appear better now
Altered Sasha and Tessa set_y, should show more options now
Fixed hand movements colour
Changed ancient scroll to be thrown away after a certain story variable
Gave dragon cult chest some actual gold
Hopefully fixed whacky bomb bug when changing screens
Hopefully fixed whacky rupture bug after killing someone affected by it
Moved residual pencilheads and removed residual "partial screenlock" announcement
Died of hideous numbing shame