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Reply to The reasons behind "Goodbye"

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October 25th 2003, 06:32 PM
Very glad to see someone picking up AI, it seems as soon as I asked Dan to do it, my life took a sharp turn down unknown, and ultimately bittersweet roads. Having had brief e-mail conversations with Simon, I have a few more interviews I may eventually post - both half finished - if the interviewees are still interested. Go Simon, and thanks.

Not that people are clamoring for info on my hasty goodbye, but I thought I'd post something, if for no other reason than appologise to Dan.

The fact is, I've never been one to practice "lazyism". My problem is, and always has been, my inability to sit still...I'm a bit of an workoholic. Finishing university a year early was a dumbass goal - although I will achieve it. But while forging ahead with that, I've continued to work part time (35 hours a week hardly seems part time) for the law firm that was kind enough to employ me the last few summers. On top of that, I made a commitment to work on a local politians bid to capture a seat in the US House of Reps. Its not the first campaign I've worked on, but it certainly is the largest role I've taken on one.

Most political talk on the DN is pretty negative, and rightly so. The campaigns I've worked on have always been for people I believe in - people who share my vision of what true representation is, and have tried and true ways of seeing their campaign promises through. I've been working on this campaign since August, and soon we will see if the hard work pays off. Sadly, only one of the campaigns I've worked on were successful - people seem so closed minded to "real" change. I am happy, however, that this guy has the lead in the polls, and his future looks bright. Hopefully he'll remember me down the road, because while this has been an awesome experience, it is something I've done without payment. Not that I'd ever ask him for anything, but it sure would be cool to be offered a position after I've finished law school.

Lazyism is something that I hope to practice someday, but I'll probably be old, grey and full of regret for some of the fun stuff I let slip by.
