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February 6th 2014, 02:53 AM
Bard He/Him United States
Please Cindy, say the whole name each time. 
Well, how careless of me... it seems the game doesn't like the accented e in "cliché." I... um... yep, no excuse for that. It displays as garbage.

Oh well. There will be another update, but not so soon, as this doesn't break the game in FreeDink or 1.08.

Here's another thing I found. In version 1.1 and prior, two bosses have their experience awarded to the player by means of just giving the exp and having their sprite say the amount using a normal say or say_stop command. This is because the normal sp_exp doesn't work if you do certain things in a die procedure.

Well, at long last I discovered the add_exp command, which lets things like that use the normal experience display and award. Seth (the boss) uses it in the original game - oddly, Mog doesn't, though he should, because as it is he gives no exp at all. With this, those two bosses - and a third that currently doesn't give exp at all - give exp the normal way.

Don't worry about this, though - the game plays just fine as it is. It'll make it into the release at some point, but I'm not rushing out another update. I made that first one so soon because there were a couple of real game-breakers in that initial release.

EDIT: Nope, it's not that the game doesn't like the accented e, it has no problem with it. It's that the program I used to check my scripts for typos put random characters into that spot instead of the character I wanted. *jumps off of building*