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Reply to Re: Updated File: WinDinkEdit Plus 2

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March 16th 2012, 05:54 PM
Peasant He/Him United States
Love! True love! 
My opinions have basically been said in this thread by others already, but here they are anyway:

1) "dfarc is still required to package the games into a .dmod file (new users will have no clue how to package their games now)"
One thing about this. As you said, DFArc has always been required to package games into a .dmod file. So if this has always been the standard, wouldn't new users have had trouble in the past? I did, and so did others, so there were answers scattered across the forums (this is mostly based on you ending adding "now" to the end of that, implying new users had been able to package with the editor before).

2) Skorn, there are currently three update threads on the first page of the forum, and one of them is down in the darkness of the bottom of the page. So you can see two. I hardly see this as a problem, considering these threads are about improvements to software that nearly everyone uses to contribute to this community.

3) RW rocks.

4) I'm confused entirely as to why some people think the abundance of updates is bad.
"I'm downright sick of RW improving one of the single most important tools in the entirety of the Dink Network!"
"...*falcon punch*"