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Reply to Pollocracy two: Flashes of consciousness

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September 10th 2009, 04:33 AM
Bard He/Him Netherlands
I object 
Yes here it is again, your favorite article in which I post the deepest, most funny or most irrelevant comments people made about the polls.

Check the comments to read the entire article.

So what has changed since the first pollocracy? Well, not a lot actually. There were eight more polls, and a couple of them were quite well commented. And some were overrun by people who were adamant that the holy grail couldn't possibly be a holey grail. It can, believe me. I found it in one of my flashes of consciousness.

As for the comments themselves, I tried to include three comments from every poll. That didn't always work, but well enough usually. Have fun laughing at your fellow Dinkers:

Note: All [text between square brackets] is mine.

Poll 115: Why are you here?

3) I have no clue.
2) I like playing with my little Dink
1) ran out of bananas.

Poll 116: Have you checked the chatroom?

2) I'm only here to download d-mods
1) The dink network doesn't own a building, yet alone a room, to chat within. Unless you mean the pub, since in a pub you can talk about anything. Such as the price of a cheeseburger and a large coke.

Poll 117: Best kind of food?

3) Why wasn't 'Free' included?! that's the best kind of food. And if cheap's there, why not Dear? or is it Deer
2) I like my food salty, especially when eating snails
1) Should had "zoombie" option.

Poll 118: What is your contribution to the annual n00bfest?

2) The drama... the suspense... the n00bessence!
1) If it wasn't for us noobs you wouldn't even have an annual fest. So be kind to us!

Poll 119: What is reality?

3) Reality is only your perception. all we are are just pickles in the proverbial pickle jar. (or some such nonsensical gibbrish!)
2) Pffft. Of course it's a banana!!
1) We all live in a yellow ba-na-na, a yellow ba-na-na, a yellow ba-na-na.

Poll 120: Favorite Arthurian legend?

3) The grail didn't have any holes. shut up. [It didn't!? Ah, man... Does that mean I didn't actually find it?]
2) Aww, can`t it be Sir Tal`s Quest for the Holy Banana..I mean, Grail...
1) You misspelled 'Holy'. I hate it when people misspell thigs... [Huh? I never misspelled a thig in my life! How could you say I misspell thigs that's just... Hey, wait a minute...]

Poll 121: Which dance should be the Dinknetwork's folk dance?

1) Where's the Tal Twist?

Poll 122: Favorite forum?

3) never looked on the forum though
2) It's like a fun game. We should start placing bets on how fast previewed projects get canned.
1) Although Off-Topic contains bananas. 'Twas a tough choice.