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Magical Mayhem v1.2

August 30th 2008, 08:12 PM
Peasant He/Him Netherlands
Friendship is magic 
I think I'm going to update Magical Mayhem mainly to remove the speed tests since they don't work good enough and some people don't seem to understand what they're about. If there's anyone who would like to see anything changed, fixed or added please tell me and I'll see what I can do.
August 30th 2008, 09:27 PM
Peasant He/Him United States 
About the speed test bug, you could check to see if it gets stuck (using a counter) and then taking the speed that is closest to the correct time. And also making it 'smarter' by skipping some speeds based on how far off they are to make the test shorter.

As opposed to chucking the speed test completely, you could have a button on the title screen to override the speed test for those who do not want to wait for it.

The only other thing that i can see needs improvement are the battlefields. The only difference is the appearance (and in some cases the size.) Why not add some sprites or change the layout of a few to give some actual strategic variation to the field you are playing on?

Edit 2:
Toggling spells on/off for the match would be a nice addition too.
August 30th 2008, 09:39 PM
I never got around to testing it properly, but the speed test just kept getting stuck because the time wasn't close enough. When I edited the script to 'cheat' past it, in game one wizard was really slow and the other fast.
August 30th 2008, 09:44 PM
Peasant He/Him United States 
I had the same trouble with the speed test and Erwin suggested i make a save file (that's what the speed test does.) The 2 save files on mine are save4 and save13. Try deleting any save files and making these two.
August 31st 2008, 06:16 AM
Peasant He/Him Netherlands
Friendship is magic 
Those are some good ideas rabidwolf9, I'll make good use of them. I'll add standard speeds and let the speeds tests be run whenever the player feels like it and I'll add a reset button for the speeds in case they screwed up. I'll also make the speed tests a bit less precise so it would rather pick a speed that is a bit off instead of not deciding at all.

Improving the arenas will be a piece of cake. Adding some sprites is a good idea because then you can hide to prevent a quick hellfire spam death . I'll add another button which enables/disables certain spells for a match. I think I'm also going to add something special to some arenas, being able to walk on the spikes in the spike arena but taking damage if you do so for example or turning the screen black randomly in the darklands arena.
August 31st 2008, 12:02 PM
Peasant He/Him Canada
Awesome, is me. 
Nah, I understood the speed test. It was just boring and not neccessary. It has some minor bugs, as well.
October 19th 2008, 01:59 PM
Peasant He/Him Netherlands
Friendship is magic 
I just uploaded the new version. I focused on adding a bit more gameplay and I hope to find out soon if it worked .