The Dink Network


August 18th 2008, 05:09 AM
on dinkedit and windinkedit when ever i copy a potion or gold heart i cant pick it up for some reason it just sits there can you please help???
August 18th 2008, 05:21 AM
Peasant He/Him Poland
Everyone should get a pizza for free in each week. 
Cause you have to script it...The scripts from original games are in develop flder and unpack source. Here are the scripts that are in source:
ppotion.c - Purple Potion(For Magic)
bpotion.c - Blue Potion(For Defense)
apotion.c - MegaPotion(Raises all)
rpotion.c - Red Potion(For Attack)
gheart.c - Golden Heart
August 18th 2008, 05:36 AM
lol thx u can be my guide threw all my problem lol thank you very much i will guve it ago.
August 18th 2008, 05:38 AM
do u right click the potion then type in the script?
August 18th 2008, 05:43 AM
Peasant She/Her Egypt
in windinkedit u right click the sprite and select properties from the drop-down menu. then in the properties window u'll find a box where u could type in or search for the script u want.
August 18th 2008, 05:46 AM
is ther a website i can print the script from that has every script on it?
August 18th 2008, 05:52 AM
also what does set warp begin mean?
August 18th 2008, 05:53 AM
and what does midi mean?
August 18th 2008, 05:56 AM
Peasant He/Him bloop
Midi, is a music format.

You should download Simon Klaebes tutorial movies.
August 18th 2008, 06:00 AM
can u get lets say a potion threw the screen properties by saying apotion?
August 18th 2008, 06:01 AM
what does set warp mean
August 18th 2008, 06:06 AM
how can i copy a potion?
August 18th 2008, 06:20 AM
Peasant He/Him Poland
Everyone should get a pizza for free in each week. 
Like Marpro said watch Simon Klaebe's Video Tutorials and then read The Rudiments of Scripting.
August 18th 2008, 09:25 AM
Peasant She/Her Egypt
set warp begin: if u have a set of stairs or a door that u want to take dink in another room when he touches them, u right click the stairs or door and choose set warp begin. Then go to the room u want to be in (or screen) and right-click the location u want dink to appear in (it doesnt have to be a sprite) and choose set warp end. Now whenever dink touches that door or climbs those stairs he is taken to the corresponding room or screen. Don't forget however to make sure that dink doesn't get stuck in the room he just entered!! To do that u'll have to carry out the above procedure again on the door or stairs that lead out of this room/screen. Does this help?
August 18th 2008, 09:33 AM
Peasant She/Her Egypt
also u need to know how to program in C or C++ (at least just the basic knowledge like functions, variables, loops and if statements). If u don't know anything about C i suggest u start from there, learn the basics of programming in C/C++ 1st. It'll make ur life A LOT easier trust me. I've been though this.

If u know C/C++ then go to the original game. U'll find a folder called develop. This is where all the scripts for the original game are in a format that u can read. In addition u'll find dinkCref.htm or cref.htm or something like that. This file had ALL the functions for programming in dinkC. For instance if u want to add a sprite from the script u'll write:
create_sprite(...........) and it'll tell u what parameters to put inside the brackets. This is the thing u cant get along without. If u don't use this in the beginning things will get tough.
August 18th 2008, 01:49 PM
I don't think knowing C/C++ is that necessary... I knew (and know ) nothing about it but DinkC is fairly intuitive, eg. it's pretty obvious what create_sprite() will do, or move(), say() etc. You'll learn what the numbers and symbols mean and most mean the same in different commands.

After looking at The Rudiments of Scripting and maybe a couple of tutorials, open up any D-Mod in DinkEdit or WDE+ and look at the scripts already made. Edit some and see what happens.

And the DinkC Reference is invaluable.
August 19th 2008, 08:59 AM
Peasant He/Him Heard Island And Mcdonald Islands
Let us save our effort and just lie down and die. 
Auuuuuhhh, isn't the team spirit sweet? Double posting sucks ass
August 19th 2008, 09:45 AM
Peasant He/Him bloop
"Auuuuuhhh, isn't the team spirit sweet? Double posting sucks ass"

Comments like that does definitively not suck ass.
August 19th 2008, 08:46 PM
Peasant He/Him New Zealand rumble
"Skinny Legend" 
That they don't.
But apart from that, I'd say tripple-posting sucks a** though.
Try EDITING farah
And... is that a New Zealand flag I see attatched to your acount?
(THREE OF US, Finally!! not that the other's online very often )
August 20th 2008, 03:39 AM
schnappy boy
Ghost They/Them
sorry, matey. its da oz. y'know, i really liked the LOTR movies and kiwi fruit, too.
August 20th 2008, 03:42 AM
Ghost They/Them
woopsie-daisies! i just looked at Farah's details closer.... i hang me head in shame, but still love lotr & kiwi fruits.

Incidently, this is a double post. but you didn't know that!