The Dink Network

I just e-mailed Seth about an hour ago and...

May 20th 2007, 08:50 PM
I asked him a few questions about d-mods...and he said hes "forgotten about all that dink stuff"!!...well, those weren't his exact words but they were close...

Oh, if any1 can answer any of my questions please reply to this asking what my questions are.
May 20th 2007, 11:08 PM
Hahaha, I emailed him several years ago and got a similar answer.

So, uh, what are your questions? A lot of people around should be able to answer, so post away.
May 21st 2007, 03:11 PM
When using the tut1 it gives you a script to make a tree say "ouch!" i made a file called tree.c and made sure the script was the exact same as the one in the tut...then in the map edit i pressed shift 5 while on a tree sprite and typed in tree...then i tested the game and i punched it and nothing happened...why?

also the status bar (where hp, att, def, magic, etc is located) is black how do i make it show the stats?

i made 3 test screens adjacent to each other on the map...but dink wont walk to each one...its as if the screen is locked. I need help here too.

lastly i went into dink\story directory and found only .d files no .c files so i went to dink\develop and went into source file and found the main.c and start*.c files there. Will they still have the same affect then if i got them from dink\story?
May 21st 2007, 03:29 PM
Peasant He/Him Netherlands
Olde Time Dinkere 
Yes, those .c files are the unconverted versions of the .d files. They were released so you can check out the original game's source.
May 21st 2007, 03:33 PM
so if i can just put the main.d and start*.d files in my ateam\story directory and they will work the same?

if not how do i convert them?
May 21st 2007, 04:31 PM
Peasant He/Him Netherlands
Olde Time Dinkere 
D files are converted C files, so yes you could, but to edit the scripts you would need C files. If you're not gonna edit the files, copying them over makes no sense because the game engine will take the \Dink\ scripts automatically if you don't have some of them.
May 22nd 2007, 10:44 AM
Bard He/Him Netherlands
I object 
Make sure your script is tree.c and not tree.c.txt, Windows hides extensions by default so if the name you see is "tree.c" you've probably created a tree.c.txt file, which isn't a .c file.

To show stats include these lines into your script:
&update_status = 1;

If you need the .c versions of the original game's scripts go to the development folder and unzip the