The Dink Network

The Dink Fanlisting

December 9th 2005, 03:09 PM
Peasant She/Her Finland
I'm going to sound like a loser, but here goes: I've noticed that I can't keep maintaining the fanlisting. One's supposed to update it "at least once in 2 months" and for the last months, I don't think I've even managed to do that... So what this post is mainly about is that I'd love it if someone else could take it over. It would need a bit of work, though, as the current system is somehow fine tuned to work with just and only my web space (afaik - or how's it, Phoenix?) and, rather obviously, you couldn't go on using it.
Is there anyone who'd be interested in taking over the fanlisting?
December 10th 2005, 08:27 PM
What is Fanlisting & what do you have to do? I might be interested.
December 11th 2005, 10:29 AM
Peasant She/Her Finland
Check out the info bits from and I'm thinking I included some small introduction in the actual Dink Fanlisting.
Basically, you need to maintain a site, and see that people who want to be identified as Dink fans get their names and contact info up on the site (and if you really have too little to do, you can also hunt them and try to force them to put up a link to the dink fanlisting on their websites).

Edit: oh, as a side note, something odd happened with the fanlisting, seems like I can't access my control panel - I sort of had this guilty feeling that I should check it at least now - but now I have no idea if someone's applied, because I can't get there. Well, that was good to know.