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More FIAT help

Dinky Dimensions 1: FIAT

August 25th 2002, 12:20 PM
Peasant They/Them
Yeah, yeah, I need even MORE assistance with this D-MOd. Stop snickering!

Anyway, I cannot for the life of me find one of the special swords (not Gimac's, the other one, whose name I cannot remember how to spell). I KNOW that monsters will drop it, or you can find it in a well, but... I'm still havibng problems. I'm assuming that only rock monsters, slayers, or dragons will drop it, but I need to know if there is any particular area where finding it is more common, or any well that has a higher chance of dropping it. I've gone through the fire dungeon at LEAST 2 dozen times, and all I've found is Gimac's bow... I feel like I'm playing Diablo 2, trying to find that last piece of my set item...

Yes, I know you are probably wondering why I'm having trouble doing this. I have narrowed it down to three possible reasons:

1. I am retarded.

2. I am insane.

3. I am astoundingly drunk.

In any case, someone please help me out here.
August 25th 2002, 01:40 PM
King He/Him United States bloop
A mother ducking wizard 
: Yeah, yeah, I need even MORE assistance with this D-MOd. Stop snickering!

: Anyway, I cannot for the life of me find one of the special swords (not Gimac's, the other one, whose name I cannot remember how to spell). I KNOW that monsters will drop it, or you can find it in a well, but... I'm still havibng problems. I'm assuming that only rock monsters, slayers, or dragons will drop it, but I need to know if there is any particular area where finding it is more common, or any well that has a higher chance of dropping it. I've gone through the fire dungeon at LEAST 2 dozen times, and all I've found is Gimac's bow... I feel like I'm playing Diablo 2, trying to find that last piece of my set item...

: Yes, I know you are probably wondering why I'm having trouble doing this. I have narrowed it down to three possible reasons:

: 1. I am retarded.

: 2. I am insane.

: 3. I am astoundingly drunk.

: In any case, someone please help me out here.


I assume you've recently downloaded FIAT (within the past few months, like after Jan/Feb) and you have v0.99i (which should be displayed on the Title Screen and in any Frontend.

If you don't have v0.99i, download the patch.

Earlier versions would drop items far less often than the current version, so that might be a possible problem.

However, if you do have v0.99i, then here are some tips:

* Only Slayers and Giants drop special items, it doesn't matter what element they are.

* They will drop special items randomly, about 1/40 times they die. Then it will decide to give you a random special item: (Mega Potion, Regular/Gimac/Snedfee Weapons).

* There are only 4 wells that drop special items. One is near the Bridge/Save Machine on Odvi, Two are in the Fire Dungeon, and One is in the Water Dungeon.

Good luck!