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Peasant They/Them
Long-time member of Lunar-net and Armageddon games (, down at the moment.)

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2002-08-27 19:53:04
Peasant They/Them
: : Okay, I've finished the game, and have played through it again looking for missed secrets. I unlocked a mini game called Exterminator, and I keep dying miserably on wave 58. I *hate* those vertical waves. Can anyone give me some pointers? Alos, is it even POSSIBLE to buy continues? No matter how much cash I have, it says I don't have enough.

: : Also, even after I finish exterminator and get it's secret, it looks like I will still be missing something... I already have Ed 2, Gladiator, Exterminator, Gimme, Black/Green blood, Disco, PrintScreen, and Debug. What am I missing, and where are they found?

: Yeah, Exterminator gets pretty tough.  And there are some crappy bugs with gold... unfortunatly.  They'll be fixed with v1.00, I hope.

: I don't remember them all, there are walkthroughs available, check the links.

: : On an unrelasted note, in DD2: End of Time, I kill te first fire bonca, and the screen remains locked. How do I get past this part?

: Push the rock back.

Much thanks. Hmm, it looks like I need to do rounds 6-9 of the dancing game... but he keeps trying to give me another pendant of Odvi... how do I get him to let me play round 6?