The Dink Network

Frog Bot disguise not working in DinkHD

Pilgrim's Quest

April 20th, 09:14 AM
Peasant He/Him Australia
So, there is a bug with the frog-bot task - getting Skard to disable it in DinkHD didn't work because of my slopping typing - a missing ',' inside a checking procedure that the old Dink engine would ignore.

I'll release an updated version of Pilgrim's Quest soon to fix this.

Just running through the last part of this DMOD to find things that aren't quite right in DinkHD
April 20th, 12:25 PM
Peasant He/Him bloop
Yeah, I recently played it on my android... It was an unpleasant surprise 8 hours in (and so near the end). Enjoying the youtube playthrough!!
April 20th, 08:34 PM
Peasant He/Him Australia
Thanks, a few more coming as I play through the end world.

I've decided to tweak things with the water monsters, starting in Port Town, agility, luck and honour to play a little more part in the End World boat stuff on the red rivers, as those Water Demons are truly hard when Dink rows so slowly. Not sure how I got through this back in the day 20 years ago, so now once a threshold is reached with agility, and honour Dink can row at normal walking speed and his defense in the boat is stronger if his honour is more than 20.

Looking at the scripts and the amount of coding to check this, check that, phew... plus all the graphics with the boats idling etc, that is some high bench mark to reach for me come Necromancer...