Dynamite rocks
Dinky Dimensions 1: FIAT
I just cannot figure out how to explode the dynamite in the north west corner facing where you go in, past the stone giant etc. got the rest but can't do the last two. It is driving me mad, if I can't get them I won't be able to finish the game. It has been weeks and weeks and I just can't do it
Help, please guys.

Hey Leprochaun, thank you for your reply and the link. I have the walkthrough but it just says remember air magic bounces. It is too obscure for me, pretty sure it means I have to stand somewhere where I can't see the dynamite but I have no clue where. I have wandered round and round trying the magic in different places but I still can't do it
I think I will have to give up playing the game as I am so stuck.

Yeah I don't really like the guides on Dink Solutions. They're pretty vague sometimes.
Like, I was playing Stone of Balance a few days ago and using the guide on there. There were certain points where the guide was vague on what to do or where to go so I was stuck for like 20 minutes trying to figure it out. And there were other points where the guide mentions secrets that you can no longer get at that point in the guide because it mentions it too late. Missed 2 secrets in SoB because of it.
I don't think there's really anywhere else for guides though
Like, I was playing Stone of Balance a few days ago and using the guide on there. There were certain points where the guide was vague on what to do or where to go so I was stuck for like 20 minutes trying to figure it out. And there were other points where the guide mentions secrets that you can no longer get at that point in the guide because it mentions it too late. Missed 2 secrets in SoB because of it.
I don't think there's really anywhere else for guides though

Same difference. My point was Dink Solutions sucks.

I know people don't like to spoil the game and I appreciate that. It is good to just read if you are stuck, to get a hint. On the other hand, if you are so stuck after endless hours trying to find the answer and can't move on in a game, then you need more information. I will have to stop playing now because I am just going round in circles and it isn't fun anymore, such a shame as I was enjoying it so much. Someone should put a let's play Fiat on youtube

Someone should put a let's play Fiat on youtube
Sounds like fun; I'm on it.
Sounds like fun; I'm on it.

Shevek, might wanna poke Robj about getting that on the DSPT channel if you're planning a Dmod Let's Play
Reminds me, I should get to uploading the next FB2 episode, its late.

Reminds me, I should get to uploading the next FB2 episode, its late.

shevek yes, yes do it, do it now..lol Seriously, I'm still struggling with the danged rocks...curses. I found something about having to shoot diagonally (apologies to Harry Potter) off to try that now.
I tried it, still couldn't do it
How do you make Dink shoot diagonally?

I tried it, still couldn't do it

How do you make Dink shoot diagonally?
You have to push shift while moving in a diagonal direction. Basically you'll have to be holding down two of the arrow keys when you shoot the magic. The missile's animation will still appear to be moving in a non-diagonal direction but that's all right.
You have to push shift while moving in a diagonal direction. Basically you'll have to be holding down two of the arrow keys when you shoot the magic. The missile's animation will still appear to be moving in a non-diagonal direction but that's all right.
Leprochaun you are my new hero. I've spent weeks trying to get through this part of the game. It worked! I am sooo happy. Thank you so much, you guys are the best. Thank you so much to everybody who tried to help me with this.
Yeah being able to shoot diagonally is one of the skills you need. And it's not taught; you have to figure it out yourself. Also strategies such as using rocks and trees, even walls, to attack enemies while staying safe (sometimes; I mean trees are not totally safe). I enjoy manouvering enemies to get them behind a rock.Or rounding them up into a tight formation to attack them - with a fireball or whatever.
One thing I discovered was attacking the goblins in the original Dink in their camp. You can hit them from outside the wall by manouvering them to come close. Good for assisting power ups; they give high points. And so easy. One time though, I was fighting two near the screen and one jumped the wall to attack me!!
Again, this strategy is not pointed out, which is fine by me. Maybe that could be a new thread (or is it already?)
Sorry - I think I took this off topic.Forgive me!
One thing I discovered was attacking the goblins in the original Dink in their camp. You can hit them from outside the wall by manouvering them to come close. Good for assisting power ups; they give high points. And so easy. One time though, I was fighting two near the screen and one jumped the wall to attack me!!
Again, this strategy is not pointed out, which is fine by me. Maybe that could be a new thread (or is it already?)
Sorry - I think I took this off topic.Forgive me!
October 19th 2014, 05:57 AM


see actually when u having trouble in shooting dynamite its easy only but from were u shooting the dynamite is the main trick actually "u guys have tried shooting the dynamite in diagonal from behind rocks will never pass this task from opposite of the dynamite u have to shoot the air magic in the lower face rock that will blow ur dynamite so who ever facing this can be easily over come please don't waste time cos y iam saying is pure evil did not say how to pass this dynamite he just gave u one guide !! so use this idea and get through the task !!