The Dink Network

The Test

March 15th 2003, 10:01 PM
Peasant They/Them
Okay im bored so im gona make up some test so here it goes

1)Your driving 1 great day down the road and u see a old woman crossing the road what do u do?
A.Speed up,Target practice man
B.Speed down and keep going trying not to hit her
C.Stop and let her cross
D.stop and help her down street
2)You see a limit of 40 miles per hour what do u do?
A.Hit the pedal man minimum of 90 miles no less
B.What? Im busy combing my hair
C.Speed down but go with crowd
D.Go 30-40 i wana be a good boy/girl
3)Cops on ur tail..what u do
A.Go as fast as this piece of Sh-t can go
B.Eh?Use my wisdom of the roads and try to outmanevere them
C.Try to blend in with other cars
Answering key
A most of time- Ur a freaking heartless gangster
B probably have a couple of major tickets u just dont pay much attention or u try to take it all methodicly
C ur the usual driver maybe 1-2 small offences
D.Ur a wussy man ur either mister/misses nice or some grandma


1)Your friend is gossiping about u and u overhear it.
A)Take out my gun Target practice time
B)Get mad and punch ur friend in face and then try to get away in a honorable manor without getting hurt
C)Talk to him trying to moraly lower him
D)Walk away as if u never heard anything and then go home and cry
2)One nice day ur opening ur locker and a big guy comes up behind u asking for sexual/gey intercorse in a mean manor.
A)Kick his nuts with my metal plated shoes 3 times im not taking this Sj|t
B)Size him up and then try to ambush him
C)Try to make him go do it to ur other friends by talking
D)Yell for the boss/teacher

3)Your talking to your friends what are u talking about?
A)Sex ofcoarse .Maybe looking at porn
B)Oh what u think? Everything that i am intersted about
C)Something that settles me and my friends i dont want enemys
D)Some nerd stuff or what there talking about
Most A-Well u have a short fuse thats for sure u dont take sh|t from anyone
Most B-U stand up for urself but try to do things logicly
Most C-All talk no action ur sly as hell
Most D-Nerd u coward .
thats all for now enjoy
March 16th 2003, 06:31 AM

abrakethrough in psychotherapy-
there is a thing like: THE NEWBIE SYNDROM! when someone is new in the dink network, they go to the board
and put in silly post that have topics like " hey it's me " "hiI'm new here " ( ... ) and content like
"hi i'm new in the dink network,but i've been a fan of dink and DMODS"
"hi my neme is john and I'm from"

DAAMN! my space key is jammed
March 16th 2003, 05:34 PM
Peasant They/Them
What was point of that RustedSorrow are u saying im a noob? dang i put in 15 min of work into that *goes to his corner to cry*
March 17th 2003, 03:17 AM

you wasted 15 minutes of your life!
March 17th 2003, 09:43 AM
Peasant They/Them
Thats it gnome ur so dead *takes out shotgun with a mad face showing his teeth*
March 17th 2003, 10:03 AM
Peasant He/Him United States
Destroying noobs since 1999. 
Quit this bickering now. For the love of god..
March 17th 2003, 09:50 PM
Peasant They/Them
Give me a piece of white choclate and ill calm down always works ((No reference to ur name just like white choclate))