The Dink Network

ged is back ged is back and hes on crack !!!!

May 3rd 2008, 07:25 PM
haleo pplz im back...

now for a story.... part 1.....

world revolution

he led the ppl in the revo war
he said it waz such a chore
this was gorg wassinton
he was solid like a stone
it was 17884 wen gorg forged a sord
he was so evil andvery fabulous
doom has come to this land
because of gorg's evil hand
he led the ppl across the land
and he slayed teh indians
with his hand
he founded this country
as u no well
but all he made was burning hell
slayin pilligin razing too
soon the ppl killed his shoe (lol)
many ppl died by his hand
in this burning hellish land
he founded a world of murderers and fats
and he hung all his cats!!
he was so evil and a retard too
so the ppl stole his poo (XD)
this is wat his evil founded
and his head the piloce impounded
death has come to this land
because of his slayin hand
he was evil
he was fabulous
so he had to pay
for his crimes he paid well
he hung ppl from his bell
when he died he was in hell
when he lived he was so fabulous
so he had to pay....
his dream was evil
and so fabulous
his mind was twisted
and screwed up
so he went to an asylum to sup
i tell you this tale of woe
when gorg wassinton
plauged this land
slayin all with his unholy hand
usin his sord he slayed all
crying out that you shall fall
doom has come to this land that has been courrped by
the hand of one so sly...
he betrayed his men
and ate his hen
he lied about his cherry tree!!
it was his minions and he knew it
but he wasnt free (XD)
he had an axe in his hand
courrpting this forsaken land
he was a demon
slaying all
mutilating their bodies
and their skulls
he had a scythe sharp as a knife
which he used to murder all
as he sliced the heads
from the necks
he cried out ..
ill eat your balls!! (lol)
he was sick and twisted
till the end
using a machete he carved a wall
usin corpses from the field
he made a house of death and flesh
he strung hands on wire mesh
slowly eating the raw flesh
a cannibal he was
though no one knew
where their children had gone to
he was crazy very so
he kept 50 carrion crows
they pecked the eyes out of his foes
and they utterly devoured a doe
soon the citizens found of his activities
and he laughed at their frivoulity
he said you have come to death's door
soon your body will lie on the floor
but the people persisted
and george resisted
when they clashed
heads were mashed
and organs too under his evil shoe!! (lol)
he was burning with demonic flame
possessed of an evil without a name...

end of 1st verse...

death comes on wings it even sings...
follow the darkness and get eaten...
well ged is dead....
watch out for the other 5 verses..
of the worlds revouloution....
May 3rd 2008, 08:54 PM
I didn't realize the history books were quite so censored
May 4th 2008, 03:54 PM
Peasant She/Her Finland
It was very long, but at least the first half of it that I read had a good rhythm to it. I think the guy has got some talent at this... Couldn't find ged, though. (Maybe he came in in the latter part)
May 8th 2008, 07:07 PM
WTF!! Who changed all the gheys to fabulous............... Tal tell me you didnt.............
dang network admins
May 12th 2008, 02:57 PM
Noble He/Him United States
Super Sexy Tal Pal 
May 13th 2008, 02:39 PM
Peasant He/Him Netherlands
Olde Time Dinkere 
Who did it? The anti-swearing system, of course.
May 15th 2008, 04:15 PM
Peasant He/Him Norway
Back from the ashes 
Tsk. It is not anti-spam. It's censorship. Apparently we (read: the site's owners/admins) are afraid to offend minors here. Silly if you ask me, but you didn't, so...
May 15th 2008, 10:17 PM
Noble She/Her United States
Daniel, there are clowns. 
Yes, I could certainly see how someone without a sense of humor could see it that way. However, some of it is annoying... especially certain non-vulgar anatomical references. Seeing as how teh ghey is so badly abused in the gaming and tweenage community as a whole, I don't have a problem with its use being foiled here.
May 20th 2008, 03:26 AM
Peasant He/Him Netherlands
Olde Time Dinkere 
I was tired. Anti-swearing system. <_<
May 20th 2008, 08:35 AM
Peasant He/Him United States
It looked good on paper... 
Nor do I, Striker. Too often have I heard that and other words abused. I say, Rock on Anti-swear system! Fabulous job! Oh, um, any word on a spell checker in the future?
May 20th 2008, 09:26 AM
Noble He/Him United States
Super Sexy Tal Pal 
If you use Firefox, you already have a spell checker. (I don't know about, say, Opera or Safari)

If you don't, get it.
May 20th 2008, 05:32 PM
Peasant He/Him United States
It looked good on paper... 
Sorry, forgot to note that comment as sarcasm.
May 21st 2008, 09:13 AM
Noble He/Him United States
Super Sexy Tal Pal 
Hm, it wasn't very obvious, but I believe I get it.
July 6th 2008, 10:53 AM
hmm i will be posting part two in 3 days