The Dink Network

New D-Mod: Anarchy Halloween Party

October 31st 2003, 10:20 AM
King He/Him United States bloop
A mother ducking wizard 
joshriot bit the bullet and consumed massive amounts of apple cider in order to create Anarchy Halloween Party in a span of two days. In it, Dink walks around and finds a house and scares people and such.

October 31st 2003, 11:05 AM
Peasant He/Him Netherlands
Any fool can use a computer. Many do. 
Nice Halloween D-Mod, joshriot all the way
October 31st 2003, 01:33 PM
Peasant He/Him United States
Looks like Yahoo groups does have a download limit. Because as of right now, it's saying this file is over it.
October 31st 2003, 02:39 PM
King He/Him United States bloop
A mother ducking wizard 
Hmm, it seems to work for me at the moment.
October 31st 2003, 04:15 PM
Peasant They/Them
I can't seem to download it through Yahoo either (so went to fileplanet instead), had some probs earlier this week with another file as well (can't remember which).
Yahoo doesn't mention a limit when I try though, just doesn't seem to be able to find the file.
October 31st 2003, 05:07 PM
Peasant She/Her Canada
We can out-drink most Americans! 
I also couldn't download it through Yahoo, so I had to use FilePlanet. Grrrr ...what a pain.

October 31st 2003, 10:15 PM
Peasant He/Him United States
As of this moment, I get:

"Document Unavailable

The document you requested is temporarily unavailable because this group has exceeded its download limit. Please try again later."

On the subject of the actual d-mod. The haunted house was very cool, but what the heck am I supposed to do in the running around in trees part?
October 31st 2003, 11:11 PM
what the heck am I supposed to do in the running around in trees part?

Isn't that right! There is suddenly a "graham cracker" in a magic slot that is weirder than weird to use. Once in a while you can make one of the characters scream with it but whoo!, that's hard to do. The cracker acts as if it does one thing one time and something different the next. And sometimes it has an incredibly slow response. Josh, is that supposed to be like that?
November 1st 2003, 07:11 AM
Peasant They/Them United States
keep it real 
uh, no. but it hits very high, so it looks like the guy is 'spitting' the graham crackers. i know its stupid.... i got this idea from a friend at a haunted hayride i was working with, and he chewed up graham crackers and spit them at the wagon. then bob (the blue guy by the torch) would come and tell us we had complaints and to stop harassing people.
November 1st 2003, 07:13 PM
Ghost They/Them
are you supsposed to kill everyone?