desertgrl's Profile
Yes, but Jesus did away with magic, demons, and any other supernatural things. He said we would no longer have any such things and would have faith alone to believe. Before his birth people had these things to help them believe and acts of magic, demons, prophets, great and wondrous happenings, etc, were commonplace. But he put that all away with his arrival. Of course, many people read the bible differently and there are still people who believe in the supernatural. Jesus himself dealt harshly when he came across such things. The disciples alone were left with such supernatural powers so the multitudes would believe their words by their actions. And after they died, all such powers died with them. Tho of course lots of people don't believe that. They think it's still here and most believe it's evil. Hence, the article's mention of magic. To paraphase what he's saying: Stay away from anything that will corrupt a devout christian.
But of course I'm sure I'll hear from a lot of you on this subject. Nothing like religion to get the blood boiling and tempers flaring. Politics being a close second.
Well, now that I've got plenty of people on the warpath, I must bid you adieu. Ya'll have a nice day.
But of course I'm sure I'll hear from a lot of you on this subject. Nothing like religion to get the blood boiling and tempers flaring. Politics being a close second.
Well, now that I've got plenty of people on the warpath, I must bid you adieu. Ya'll have a nice day.
desertgrl has written 2 reviews
Title | File | Type | Score | Date |
This Dmod is "North" By Warplague | North | Featured | 6.3 | October 30th, 2003 |
This Was Quite an Interesting Game That Makes You Use Your Brain | Green Voice in my Head (The) - Part 1 - Hangover & Agony | Featured | 8.7 | October 8th, 2003 |