New Dink Discord
December 12th 2022, 06:44 AM


Friendly reminder that there is a new dink discord here: where there is currently me, Robj, Drone and a few others, complete with actual active moderators
quite a step up from the old one, eh?
This server is also the home of a small community project (which is currently struggling to pick up speed, but hey, it's not dead) which could definitely use the help or support of anyone who is interested.

This server is also the home of a small community project (which is currently struggling to pick up speed, but hey, it's not dead) which could definitely use the help or support of anyone who is interested.

I can send my bro on over. I think he's on your old discord
Or you could come back to the old one; Skorn was timed out and left the channel. It doesn't seem to me like inactive moderation was really a problem there, it's just a matter of where you draw the line with spam/dumb shit. I don't remember anyone even requesting for Skorn to be banned, you guys just randomly left.
I don't really see the appeal of fragmenting an already small community even further
I don't really see the appeal of fragmenting an already small community even further
i dunno, man. ask kyle and skull. they thought it would be a good idea, too.
and then, they left.
and then, they left.
December 12th 2022, 10:05 PM


I left the old dink discord for a few reasons - I won't go into them, no need to.
As Bluedy has pointed out this new server wasn't even initially created or intended as a replacement or a new Dink discord. It was a discord server for a dink project we were collaborating on, but Bluesy sort of pointed that out anyway.
The problem with the old server in terms of moderation was not lack of moderation, it was lack of clear rules. By the time I was handed moderator on the old discord (never asked for it btw), it was impossible to enforce anything because it would be hypocritical to warn or ban anyone for breaking rules or doing something that's been done several times before.
Anyway, the main thing I ever used discord for was just posting my dmodding findings in the dmodding channel, and helping ppl that would pop up with scripting problems. I can still do those 2 things regardless of if I'm on discord or not and basically put, I won't be returning to the old server.
Possible misconceptions and clearing them uo:
1. I'm still working on all my projects, just less often.
2. I like to get along with everyone here. Was the pony spam/other spam annoying? Of course. Do I dislike Skurn? No. I don't dislike anyone from the DN, I might disagree with them or find something they do irritating, that's no reason to dislike them. You're allowed to disagree with people and still get along. In fact, I have had many interesting dmodding conversations with Skurn over PM, and he maps one of my secret dmod projects. Quite well. He is very good at mapping. So yeh I disagree with his public spamming when he's bored(I'm not actually sure the reason for it and idc), but I will continue to work with him on this dmod. Unless he starts spamming me in private messages, that might make it hard. But so far, so good. (Please don't, Skurn)
3. Pineapple.
As Bluedy has pointed out this new server wasn't even initially created or intended as a replacement or a new Dink discord. It was a discord server for a dink project we were collaborating on, but Bluesy sort of pointed that out anyway.
The problem with the old server in terms of moderation was not lack of moderation, it was lack of clear rules. By the time I was handed moderator on the old discord (never asked for it btw), it was impossible to enforce anything because it would be hypocritical to warn or ban anyone for breaking rules or doing something that's been done several times before.
Anyway, the main thing I ever used discord for was just posting my dmodding findings in the dmodding channel, and helping ppl that would pop up with scripting problems. I can still do those 2 things regardless of if I'm on discord or not and basically put, I won't be returning to the old server.
Possible misconceptions and clearing them uo:
1. I'm still working on all my projects, just less often.
2. I like to get along with everyone here. Was the pony spam/other spam annoying? Of course. Do I dislike Skurn? No. I don't dislike anyone from the DN, I might disagree with them or find something they do irritating, that's no reason to dislike them. You're allowed to disagree with people and still get along. In fact, I have had many interesting dmodding conversations with Skurn over PM, and he maps one of my secret dmod projects. Quite well. He is very good at mapping. So yeh I disagree with his public spamming when he's bored(I'm not actually sure the reason for it and idc), but I will continue to work with him on this dmod. Unless he starts spamming me in private messages, that might make it hard. But so far, so good. (Please don't, Skurn)
3. Pineapple.
4. I forgot to login.

gimme a sec, gonna spam robj in pm
I don't have discord. So you should be happy there skurn.
I don't have discord. So you should be happy there skurn.
Or I can make a discord and ruin your life there as well.
Face it my pp is still stuck in you skurn. I have no choice.
Face it my pp is still stuck in you skurn. I have no choice.
i don't know which discord is the new or the old one but i became inactive due to the ponyspam to be honest.
you all are so weak, i swear
its too good
its too good
how many times am i going to sit on a train with someone taking a shit on the floor before i leave? not many.
if that makes me 'weak' then that's okay.
if that makes me 'weak' then that's okay.
Skurn. I understand that may have a reason to be a bitch spammer to me, and I can put up with that. But why do you bother these people? I don't remember you being this bad. In fact I barely remember you being a troll at all. Wtf happened? I actually want a legit answer.
Stop shitting on the man's train, dog.
Stop shitting on the man's train, dog.
The problem with the old server in terms of moderation was not lack of moderation, it was lack of clear rules. By the time I was handed moderator on the old discord (never asked for it btw), it was impossible to enforce anything because it would be hypocritical to warn or ban anyone for breaking rules or doing something that's been done several times before.
If it helps, I did take a look at the rules a few weeks ago and updated them to be more clear. This is probably something I should have done a long time ago, but I was also kind of just thrown the moderator position by chance so I didn't really think about changing anything around. I kind of just let the server run wild for a long time and that helped to set a bad precedent. Anyways, I apologize if my lack of moderation lead to yours, bluedy's, and/or anyone else's distaste for the server.
If it helps, I did take a look at the rules a few weeks ago and updated them to be more clear. This is probably something I should have done a long time ago, but I was also kind of just thrown the moderator position by chance so I didn't really think about changing anything around. I kind of just let the server run wild for a long time and that helped to set a bad precedent. Anyways, I apologize if my lack of moderation lead to yours, bluedy's, and/or anyone else's distaste for the server.
The only thing I see that would solve your problem is to just eliminate skurn. From what I have seen on this thread, it sounds like he is the only issue.
Lep, no hard feelings at all from me. My opinion of you has not changed. I made a choice to leave. No one is to blame for that, except me (I chose to leave lol)
Like I said, I left for many reasons. The statement about lack of clear rules was a response to the "inactive moderation" comment made earlier in the thread. I was pointing out what I think the actual issue would have been, rather than inactive moderation. I wasn't taking a dig at anyone.
I'm also tired of putting a lot of time and effort into Dink, and I've switched off a bit from it. Im still part of the community project discord or "the new dink discord" as advertised in this thread, only because if I do get spurts of motivation, I will of course contribute. Im also approving DN files as soon as I see them, still.
But I'll be moreso lurking in the shadows for a bit, I guess you could say.
Like I said, I left for many reasons. The statement about lack of clear rules was a response to the "inactive moderation" comment made earlier in the thread. I was pointing out what I think the actual issue would have been, rather than inactive moderation. I wasn't taking a dig at anyone.
I'm also tired of putting a lot of time and effort into Dink, and I've switched off a bit from it. Im still part of the community project discord or "the new dink discord" as advertised in this thread, only because if I do get spurts of motivation, I will of course contribute. Im also approving DN files as soon as I see them, still.
But I'll be moreso lurking in the shadows for a bit, I guess you could say.
learn names before you speak.
Learn not to be a bitch before you speak.
Where is red dink?
Where is red dink?
He prefers to be called Native American Dink these days.
still can't believe I demoted skurn from admin. I hope his voice channels are still there.
still can't believe I demoted skurn from admin. I hope his voice channels are still there.
I don't remember anyone even requesting for Skorn to be banned, you guys just randomly left.
I don't really see the appeal of fragmenting an already small community even further
I (for one) didn't even bother to request Skurn's ban because I knew it would be weeks or months before someone from the moderation team would respond. And even if it was done on time, I just never really liked how things were going there. It's full of disinterested people. And I'm not saying the mods should take moderation more seriously. After all, they're people who have their own lives and no one really wants to take time out of their day to watch over a sorta-dead community.
People can still join the old discord, I don't care. This isn't an attempt to break the community into two. I just did what I thought was the next best thing. I couldn't hang around the old discord anymore but I didn't wanna abandon the community either so I just made my own place. No one really wanted to (or cared) to make me a moderator. So whenever I'd tell people to make me mod, because I was the only one still active and willing, no one really listened or cared. And, again, no hard feelings to anyone. I don't hate people (especially online). I just want to clear up my motives. I wanted to be in control of the community and it didn't seem possible, so I found my own means. That way there was no more pony spam or any similar bullshit. If someone was being annoying to the community, I could take care of it.
Plus, the member list got cleared up a bit. No more tens or hundreds of dead members. Whoever's in my server right now is (more or less) active. No more feeling like a bunch of people sitting around in a graveyard.
EDIT: And like Robj pointed out, the rules (even if written) on that server were pretty much non-existent. Anyone could do or say anything and it would be weird to do anything about it at that point because it's been done 1 million times before. Then again, active action is still better than no action and "it's been done before and there were no consequences" isn't the best reason to stop enforcing rules. That's why I made my own place. To make sure the old rules are actually being followed.
Anyways, join the old server, join mine, join neither, I don't care. I just care about this community so I did what I wanted to do.
I don't really see the appeal of fragmenting an already small community even further
I (for one) didn't even bother to request Skurn's ban because I knew it would be weeks or months before someone from the moderation team would respond. And even if it was done on time, I just never really liked how things were going there. It's full of disinterested people. And I'm not saying the mods should take moderation more seriously. After all, they're people who have their own lives and no one really wants to take time out of their day to watch over a sorta-dead community.
People can still join the old discord, I don't care. This isn't an attempt to break the community into two. I just did what I thought was the next best thing. I couldn't hang around the old discord anymore but I didn't wanna abandon the community either so I just made my own place. No one really wanted to (or cared) to make me a moderator. So whenever I'd tell people to make me mod, because I was the only one still active and willing, no one really listened or cared. And, again, no hard feelings to anyone. I don't hate people (especially online). I just want to clear up my motives. I wanted to be in control of the community and it didn't seem possible, so I found my own means. That way there was no more pony spam or any similar bullshit. If someone was being annoying to the community, I could take care of it.
Plus, the member list got cleared up a bit. No more tens or hundreds of dead members. Whoever's in my server right now is (more or less) active. No more feeling like a bunch of people sitting around in a graveyard.
EDIT: And like Robj pointed out, the rules (even if written) on that server were pretty much non-existent. Anyone could do or say anything and it would be weird to do anything about it at that point because it's been done 1 million times before. Then again, active action is still better than no action and "it's been done before and there were no consequences" isn't the best reason to stop enforcing rules. That's why I made my own place. To make sure the old rules are actually being followed.
Anyways, join the old server, join mine, join neither, I don't care. I just care about this community so I did what I wanted to do.

right? shoulda kept me on
i brought the golden age
i brought the golden age
this is what yall get for abandoning IRC.
me too actually. I could put my own background on. That was sick. Discord should implement that.
I wanted to be in control of the community and it didn't seem possible, so I found my own means
Sauron forges the One Ring to gain control. Bluedy forges a Discord server to gain control. Searching for similarities...
I only use this website, because chats are bound to be spammed with a lot more gibberish. If more effort is required to post something, then it's more likely to be something of a genuine value. Thus, I only lurk around this site, and I'm happy.
If you want to be happy too, I can teach you how. Call now, and get happy for only 9.99$.
I wanted to be in control of the community and it didn't seem possible, so I found my own means
Sauron forges the One Ring to gain control. Bluedy forges a Discord server to gain control. Searching for similarities...
I only use this website, because chats are bound to be spammed with a lot more gibberish. If more effort is required to post something, then it's more likely to be something of a genuine value. Thus, I only lurk around this site, and I'm happy.
If you want to be happy too, I can teach you how. Call now, and get happy for only 9.99$.
me too actually. I could put my own background on. That was sick. Discord should implement that.
I think it's strange that they have not done that.
I think it's strange that they have not done that.

>I only use this website, because chats are bound to be spammed with a lot more gibberish. If more effort is required to post something, then it's more likely to be something of a genuine value.
I very much agree with this statement. Although unlike toof, I find myself using these chat clients too, mayhaps even being on the sending end of the gibberish spam hah.
>I only use this website, because chats are bound to be spammed with a lot more gibberish. If more effort is required to post something, then it's more likely to be something of a genuine value.
I very much agree with this statement. Although unlike toof, I find myself using these chat clients too, mayhaps even being on the sending end of the gibberish spam hah.
I'm also tired of putting a lot of time and effort into Dink, and I've switched off a bit from it.
I'm surprised you still do. I could do with some of that determination.
Btw what does this Jester role mean?
I'm surprised you still do. I could do with some of that determination.

Btw what does this Jester role mean?