The Dink Network

Re: Let's RACE As Good As Eternity *PART 9*

As Good As Eternity

June 24th 2014, 04:38 AM
Jester He/Him Australia
You feed the madness, and it feeds on you. 
It's a race between Random431(Robj) and Skull to see who is the speediest Player!
This was conducted via a skype call, and then we each played the game and recorded at the same time, so we couldn't see each other's screen. This allows for each player to play however they like, without the other player knowing what their real progress at any time during the race.
Who will win? Who will get the most achievements?

Ground rules:
- Do not need to complete anything optional, or collect any optional items, but can do if desired.
- First to finish the game wins.

Let's Race As Good As Eternity - Part 1
Let's Race As Good As Eternity - Part 2
Let's Race As Good As Eternity - Part 3
Let's Race As Good As Eternity - Part 4
Let's Race As Good As Eternity - Part 5
Let's Race As Good As Eternity - Part 6
Let's Race As Good As Eternity - Part 7
Let's Race As Good As Eternity - Part 8
Let's Race As Good As Eternity - Part 9
Let's Race As Good As Eternity - Part 10
Let's Race As Good As Eternity - Part 11
Let's Race As Good As Eternity - Part 12
Let's Race As Good As Eternity - Part 13
Let's Race As Good As Eternity - Part 14
Let's Race As Good As Eternity - Part 15
Let's Race As Good As Eternity - Part 16
Let's Race As Good As Eternity - Part 17
Let's Race As Good As Eternity - Part 18
Let's Race As Good As Eternity - Part 19
Let's Race As Good As Eternity - Part 20
Let's Race As Good As Eternity - Part 21
Let's Race As Good As Eternity - Part 22
June 24th 2014, 04:47 AM
Peasant He/Him United States
The world could always use more heroes 
Sweet, I loved watching the race of the original game. I need to play this D-mod before watching your race so that I already know the story and everything and I can just enjoy your banter and/or trolling.
June 24th 2014, 04:57 AM
Peasant He/Him New Zealand rumble
"Skinny Legend" 
"You and your f***ing swords!"
Hahaha... My words have been immortalized.
Awesome to finally see the race you mentioned going up. And I want a rematch!!
June 24th 2014, 10:06 AM
Peasant He/Him Finland bloop
A Disembodied Sod 
Hahaha... My words have been immortalized.

And I avenged Rob's sword-using ways by getting a clawsword from the get-go.
June 24th 2014, 10:10 AM
Peasant He/Him Netherlands
The Voice in the back of your head! 
O.O revenge where me want that deliciously sweet dish and i want all of it!!
June 28th 2014, 01:45 AM
Bard He/Him United States
Please Cindy, say the whole name each time. 
To find dead water, obviously you should just take some water and kill it. Easy.
July 2nd 2014, 12:25 AM
Jester He/Him Australia
You feed the madness, and it feeds on you. 
Part 2 has been uploaded and added to the thread!
July 2nd 2014, 04:55 AM
Bard He/Him United States
Please Cindy, say the whole name each time. 
This is quite a hoot. You guys's unawareness of both the DMOD and each other leads to some pretty funny situations. This DMOD in particular really loses you if you don't pay attention.
July 2nd 2014, 08:08 AM
Peasant He/Him Finland bloop
A Disembodied Sod 
Looking back, my commentary isnt very good in these first few parts. I think I was sick, if I remember correctly, so my brain wasn't quite functioning that well for racing and commentating at the same time. xD
July 2nd 2014, 08:10 AM
Peasant He/Him Australia
(Tag Line) How long is this line. 
Id probably wipe the floor with the both of you.
July 9th 2014, 04:22 AM
Jester He/Him Australia
You feed the madness, and it feeds on you. 
Part 3 added.
July 13th 2014, 07:39 AM
Peasant He/Him Finland bloop
A Disembodied Sod 
Must say it was the weirdest experience ever to try to get through a D-Mod as fast as possible, without knowing anything about it. Didn't even know whether to read the text or just wish to get further by luck. xD
July 15th 2014, 03:52 AM
Jester He/Him Australia
You feed the madness, and it feeds on you. 
Part 4 added.. still not knowing where to go, but the race begins to get interesting.
July 15th 2014, 08:02 AM
Peasant He/Him Finland bloop
A Disembodied Sod 
*bangs head to desk* I hate that screen with the save fountain forever! I totally kept missing it.
July 15th 2014, 08:16 AM
Peasant He/Him Japan bloop
Responsible for making things not look like ass 
It's pretty funny how you both somehow missed it and complained about it when it's really not hidden at all.
July 24th 2014, 11:19 PM
Jester He/Him Australia
You feed the madness, and it feeds on you. 
Part 5 added.
July 25th 2014, 08:30 AM
Peasant He/Him Finland bloop
A Disembodied Sod 
Apparently I got another achievement for getting herb boots. xD
July 25th 2014, 09:45 AM
Jester He/Him Australia
You feed the madness, and it feeds on you. 
"Apparently I got another achievement for getting herb boots. "

Urgh.. that's an editing error.. it was meant to say "Cleared the vaulthill vault" dunno what happened there, but I just fixed it with youtube annotations
July 25th 2014, 09:50 AM
Peasant He/Him Japan bloop
Responsible for making things not look like ass 
Robj is apparently really bad at remembering where he's already been.
August 1st 2014, 04:56 AM
Jester He/Him Australia
You feed the madness, and it feeds on you. 
I've uploaded part 6!
August 1st 2014, 09:36 AM
Peasant He/Him Finland bloop
A Disembodied Sod 
That ending was the most depressing thing I've ever seen in a Let's Race part.

"I really have no idea where to go at this point"
"*sad sigh* Neither do I"

August 7th 2014, 04:07 AM
Jester He/Him Australia
You feed the madness, and it feeds on you. 
Next part added.
August 7th 2014, 08:08 AM
Peasant He/Him Finland bloop
A Disembodied Sod 
Robj gives so little shit that he uses speed cheat in a race. Then doesn't even remember using it. xD
August 7th 2014, 08:18 AM
Jester He/Him Australia
You feed the madness, and it feeds on you. 
"Robj gives so little shit that he uses speed cheat in a race. Then doesn't even remember using it. xD"

Wait.. what? I had herb boots. Now I'm confused rofl.
August 7th 2014, 08:23 AM
Peasant He/Him Finland bloop
A Disembodied Sod 
At 11:02. You blatantly put on the speed cheat without even thinking about it. It's kinda hilarious, actually.
August 7th 2014, 08:25 AM
Jester He/Him Australia
You feed the madness, and it feeds on you. 
"At 11:02. You blatantly put on the speed cheat without even thinking about it. It's kinda hilarious, actually. "

LOL... I didn't even realise xD

Oh well, it's kind of redundant anyway, because I equipped herb boots just after it... in fact.. why the hell did I even do that lol.. truly hilarious.
October 3rd 2014, 01:13 AM
Jester He/Him Australia
You feed the madness, and it feeds on you. 
Mmmm... Let's Race parts... tasty.

Part 8!
October 3rd 2014, 09:48 AM
Peasant He/Him Finland bloop
A Disembodied Sod 
My theory on that lantern chest is that you punched the lock broken, and while you were gone, some ducker came, opened it and stole the lantern.
October 3rd 2014, 09:54 AM
Jester He/Him Australia
You feed the madness, and it feeds on you. 
My theory on that lantern chest is that you punched the lock broken, and while you were gone, some ducker came, opened it and stole the lantern.

That's some scary shit right there. Lantern thieves are the reason I have maximum security on my house, wear a hooded cloak in public to obscure my face, and only take a sh!t at night time so I can spend some quality time with my lantern, in case it still gets stolen, even with the above precautions.

Ya know wat I'm sayin'? ..Can a brother relate?

No.. well I mean, if you put it like that.. than.. I guess that's the way it's gonna be.
October 3rd 2014, 02:36 PM
Lanterns are becoming an endangered species.

Robj is a hero.
November 27th 2014, 10:54 AM
Jester He/Him Australia
You feed the madness, and it feeds on you. 
Part 9 added.
November 28th 2014, 06:46 PM
Bard He/Him United States
Please Cindy, say the whole name each time. 
Part 10 seems to be up too.

I probably took advantage of a walkthrough when I played this one. That might be why I had a more positive impression of it. In retrospect, though, I have to admit that a lot of the decoration is oddly placed and the grass tiling is dreadful. I'm not sure how I didn't mention the tiling in my writeup.
November 28th 2014, 10:15 PM
Jester He/Him Australia
You feed the madness, and it feeds on you. 
Oh yeh, part 10 is up too. CocoMonkey beat me to it. Lol.
March 11th 2017, 08:18 AM
Jester He/Him Australia
You feed the madness, and it feeds on you. 
Part 11 is up guys, only 2 and half years later.

Now in 1080p!
May 28th 2017, 06:58 AM
Jester He/Him Australia
You feed the madness, and it feeds on you. 
Welp, I managed to find a copy of this tucked away on my laptop hard drive. No Malachi the Jerk LP though, so that one is eternally lost.

Anyway, I have put together the next part, so part 12 is up and added at the top.
August 22nd 2017, 10:50 AM
Jester He/Him Australia
You feed the madness, and it feeds on you. 
Part 13 up.

Not that I haven't actually been working on anything in my absence from posting on this place.. It's just hard to find motivation to release anything to a dying community..

Like.. this part has been done, edited and sitting on my PC since the start of June. Just.. I dunno, this place is like a ghost town now so it kills my effort.

Anyway, if anyone still watches these.. enjoy.

August 22nd 2017, 11:06 AM
Peasant He/Him United States bloop rumble
2nd generation. No easy way to be free. 
Okay! Thanks.
August 22nd 2017, 11:35 AM
Peasant He/Him Equatorial Guinea duck bloop
can't flim flam the glim glam 
hasn't this community been dying for like, 10+ years? 15+?

this shiz is always gonna be here. make more, you turd.
August 23rd 2017, 03:08 PM
Jester He/Him Australia
You feed the madness, and it feeds on you. 
part 14 up.


And part 15 as well now.


And part 16 as well now.
August 31st 2017, 06:51 AM
Jester He/Him Australia
You feed the madness, and it feeds on you. 
And part 17 as well now.

Which includes 'copyrighted content'.

Video is still available, but some random copyright claimer runs ads and gets money, due to youtubes terrible automatic copyright id matcher.

Duck you youtube.
August 31st 2017, 09:44 AM
Peasant He/Him United States bloop rumble
2nd generation. No easy way to be free. 
Charge ahead anyway!
August 31st 2017, 12:48 PM
Peasant He/Him Equatorial Guinea duck bloop
can't flim flam the glim glam 
run ublock origin, guys
September 18th 2017, 10:38 AM
Jester He/Him Australia
You feed the madness, and it feeds on you. 
Part 18, 19, 20 and 21 have been uploaded and added to the top post.

There is one part left to go, and this will be complete; it will be up this week.
September 20th 2017, 07:38 PM
Jester He/Him Australia
You feed the madness, and it feeds on you. 
Part 22 is now up.

This race is now complete!
April 22nd 2019, 11:24 PM
Peasant He/Him Equatorial Guinea duck bloop
can't flim flam the glim glam 
do more races.