The Dink Network

Re: Masterlist of Dmods with Problems when Running in DinkHD

November 4th 2014, 01:48 PM
Peasant He/Him Japan bloop
Responsible for making things not look like ass 
I'm hoping to compile a list of all the dmods that either don't work or simply have some serious issues in DinkHD. I definitely won't be able to list all of them right now, but I'll update this when I find more. Last Edit: Dec 17.

The list has moved to the DMOD Compatibility page yeoldetoast created.

I'll update that page whenever someone posts here about a problem they're experiencing in DinkHD. Alternatively you could edit in the dmod and issue yourself. Either one is fine.
November 4th 2014, 08:55 PM
Peasant They/Them Australia
I was also about to make a list of mods that don't work properly in 1.09. Seth has stated that if he gets a saved game and a download link he'll attempt to fix any problems encountered meaning that if people can actually figure out what's actually causing things to break then we may have a chance to have this stuff fixed.

The main issue is that palette swaps aren't supported meaning that stuff like Lyna's Story and Dink Goes Boating will never work as intended.
November 4th 2014, 09:02 PM
Peasant He/Him Japan bloop
Responsible for making things not look like ass 
I remember playing Lyna's story on DinkHD. I don't remember experiencing any issues with it. I've never tried to play Dink Goes Boating on 1.09 though.
November 4th 2014, 09:43 PM
Peasant They/Them Australia
There's a rather large section of the game that's supposed to be inverted. The game will still work, it just won't work as intended.
November 5th 2014, 12:10 PM
Peasant He/Him Finland bloop
A Disembodied Sod 
Well, I know some issues with HH2. They seem to happen only to some people though, while others apparently can play it without any issues.

Problems I know of:

-Game will freeze in one of the first fade downs during the intro.
-Monsters will randomly flicker in certain areas, and some sprites disappear altogether. In these areas, the gold remains invisible when you kill a monster, although the little "sparkly" sprite will still appear.
-Sometimes when you enter a door, no sprites will show up at all in the house/dungeon/etc. Only the tiles can be seen. This can usually be fixed by re-entering.

Those are all I can remember right now. There are probably more. I know the fade down issue happens in a lot of D-Mods. But I can't say a lot more about issues with other D-Mods, cause I really haven't played Dink HD that much at all.
November 5th 2014, 04:58 PM
Peasant He/Him Poland
Everyone should get a pizza for free in each week. 
Forest of Doom, you cannot choose or type anything when a dwarf gives you a riddle.
November 5th 2014, 05:18 PM
Bard He/Him United States
Please Cindy, say the whole name each time. 
The palette swapping in Dink Goes Boating doesn't work anyway unless you're using redink.exe. At least, it didn't work for me in FreeDink.
November 5th 2014, 08:17 PM
Peasant They/Them Australia
There are two palette-swapping DinkC commands (load_palette() and copy_bmp_to_screen()) and it seems that one of them was broken in FreeDink until very recently (it always worked in standard 1.08). I believe Scratcher made a bug report about it to motivate Beuc to make it work, but just trying it out now shows that it exhibits weird behaviour with the status bar not updating and such although the colour does change. Although having a look in the spec may indicate that it's supposed to do this so I am not sure
November 6th 2014, 07:56 AM
Peasant He/Him France
v108.4 - DinkC: load_palette() now searches for palette in the right place (thanks scratcher for the report)

(Note that the palette switching itself is still buggy in 1.08 (and compatibly in FreeDink), since graphics loaded after a palette change get that palette forever, to put it short.)
November 10th 2014, 09:59 PM
Peasant He/Him United States
So I noticed Mayhem is on the list, and sure enough I crashes for me too. I see it's also tripping up on the 1812over.mid name, but that's not the cause of the crash. Ideally I'd like to get it working, but I don't have much idea where to start. Anyone know what kinds of things make Dink HD (but not classic Dink or Freedink) crash?
November 10th 2014, 10:35 PM
Bard He/Him United States
Please Cindy, say the whole name each time. 
I'm not sure about crashes, but here are a few things I learned about Dink HD when I was working on getting Malachi the Jerk working in it:

*Goto statements have to have a semicolon at the end of the line, or Dink HD ignores them. Most people seem to put semicolons at the end of every line anyway, but this was the main thing keeping my DMODs from working.

*You won't be able to see a choice statement in Dink HD if the screen is faded down. In FreeDink, you can see it fine. In 1.08, you can see it well enough to read it, although the arrows aren't visible.

*draw_background doesn't erase blood and corpses like it does in FreeDink and 1.08.

*Dink HD uses different keycodes for some keys. This spreadsheet lists all of the keycodes.
November 11th 2014, 12:25 AM
Peasant They/Them Australia
Did Redink1 allow you to fill out the post more? If not, I have created the start of a list here in case you'd like to link to it in your post instead.
November 11th 2014, 09:17 AM
Peasant He/Him Japan bloop
Responsible for making things not look like ass 
I just tried adding some junk content to see if there was room. There was not. Your link takes me to the sites homepage.
November 12th 2014, 03:51 AM
Peasant They/Them Australia
I don't know what went wrong there. The raw URL is:
December 16th 2014, 10:09 PM
Cloud Castle 2: Scarab. When the girl who's in love with the goblin tries to reconcile with her mother, DinkHD always crashes.
December 17th 2014, 04:00 PM
Peasant He/Him Japan bloop
Responsible for making things not look like ass 
Seeing as how I probably won't be able to add more content into the original post, I'm just going to update the DMOD Compatibility page that yeoldetoast started. So I've removed the content that was previously in the original post and replaced it with a link to the compatibility page which includes all the same information.