The Dink Network

Some problems...

February 24th 2003, 06:26 AM
Peasant He/Him
A. I'm making a D-Mod with windinkedit, but I can walk over water and I don't now how to make it hard. or something like that.
maybe one of you now that or maybe you now a tutorial about windinkedit.

B. I want a person to change in an purple bonca. I searched in other d-mods but I can't find how to make it.

can anyone help me?
I would appreciate it.

February 24th 2003, 10:52 AM
Peasant He/Him
and what is wrong with this?
void main (void)
say_stop("What the hell?", 1);

because I still get the message when i get back in the area
February 24th 2003, 11:43 AM
Peasant He/Him Belgium
To have the script work only once, initialize a global variable in main.c and put an if statement in front of the lines you want to have executed only once, like this :
void main (void)
if (&seen == 0)
say_stop("What the hell?", 1);
&seen = 1;

WDE is pretty easy to master, just experiment with it. There's little you can do wrong and it even has an undo button. Changing a sprite into a purple bonca is more complex than the script I just showed you. I suggest you look for the script in which bishop Nelson changes into a slayer, that should help you out.
February 24th 2003, 12:09 PM
Peasant He/Him
thanks that is one problem solved.
and yes, i mean bischop nelson, but the script is in .d format.
I downloaded ROTD2 and someone changes into a bonca to. but I can't figure out how it works.

You're right that WDE is easy to use. I think that I'm pretty far.
but now I want to make this al right, so I can upload a demo. So that I now what's wrong and right.
Everything is ready except for a couple of scripts.
I hate to read tutorials, and because I live in the Netherlands, I don't now every word. So I hope that you all can help me a bit.

now, another problem.
I have a house with a door that needs a key. when dink has no key, he is set to &check=0.
when he has a key, he is set to &check=1
that the door is locked can I make.
but how to unlock it?
can anyone make the script complete?
with some information how it a bit works. if it is possible.

void main (void)
void talk (void)
void touch( void )
if (&check == 0)
sp_nodraw(&current_sprite, 1);

if (&d2 < 9)
sp_touch_damage(&current_sprite, -1);


move_stop(1, 2, 383, 1);
say_stop("Its locked", 1);

if (&check == 1)


how can you upload a d-mod or something?

so, a lot of questions, especially because I'm just someone with no experience.....
February 24th 2003, 04:02 PM
If you want someone else to change into a bonca, just use the commands sp_base_walk() yadda yadda, can't remember the exact syntax, but check out easy dinkc for a big list of em, and just set the idle and walk and attack sequences to those of the bonca

If you want to change dink, use the same meathod as changing to dink with a weapon - overwrite the dink graphics with those of the boncas. Check the item-sw1.c script for that, its towards the bottom, load_graphics_now i believe...if you can't find it just ask again and i'll hunt it down for you to copy paste, but you learn best experimenting, exploring etc...thats how i did it
February 25th 2003, 10:14 AM
Peasant He/Him
you're right. I'm trying to learn it, but it is hard. and I haven't ever worked with this sort of stuff...

I think I make it too hard for myself.
I want to make it a really cool D-mod in place of an easy one.
February 25th 2003, 10:25 AM
Peasant He/Him
back with a little more question.
I thought that i read somewhere how to add new graphics to a d-mod.
but I can't find it.
does somebody where I read it, or am I mistaking?

And I can't solve the water problem.
I still can walk over water.
I tried everything, I think is there a really good tutorial about WDE somewhere?
February 25th 2003, 11:02 AM
Peasant He/Him
alright... I found this in the readme file of WDE:

Hardbox mode:
To place a hard tile simply press C to copy a tile, S to stamp a tile, and Q to edit the hardness. Only one tile can be stamped or copied at a time. Pressing delete will revert the current tile the mouse is over back to it's default hardness. To select a new tile press E and you will be taken to a hardtile selector similar to the sprite selector. Simply click the hard tile that you would like and you will be taken back to the main screen. Press pageup or pagedown to get to the other hard tile screens.

Hardness Editing:
Whenever you have a sprite pick up (attached to you mouse) or a hard tile, and you wish to edit it pressing 'Q' will bring you into the hardness editor. In the tile hardness editor all you need to do to change the hardness is click. (Black is no hardness, Yellow is regular hardness, blue is water or low hardness, and Purple is other (unknown) hardness). Hold Crtl/Shift will select the two other hardnesses (low and unknown), you may also click and drag the hardness around (or just one simple click will change just that area of hardness). Sprite hardness is diffrent, left click and drag in order to draw the hardness box, and right clicking will move the depth dot. When exiting these two modes, press Escape, this will also save you changes.

Alright, I did past a water tile and I have changed every pixel (or what it is) into blue, but now every tile is blue, even the grass... I don't think this is right, is it?
February 25th 2003, 01:23 PM
For adding graphics to dink, you use the dink.ini

There should be a good tutorial on it somewhere...

but basically...i'll just copy one of the top lines from mine...

load_sequence_now graphics\newstuff\blocks\block- 40 1 14 12 -7 -2 7 2

That checks the dir graphics\newstuff\blocks for .bmp's named block. You name them block-01.bmp, block-02.bmp and so on, and it will load them all. The 40 is the seq, the 1 is the frame (just leave it as 1) and the rest are for hardbox and depth dot... you can either do those manualy, or in an editing program..theres got to be a tutorial somewhere more in depth, but thats the basics.

For windinkedit, ya..kinda after my times, haven't used it much, and it for some reason crashes when i open my dmod..i guess okaly-d dink is just too good for it
February 25th 2003, 01:51 PM
Peasant He/Him Netherlands
Any fool can use a computer. Many do. 
Your preview: you have to save the queen

So ya have to save Beatrix and kick Margarita?
February 26th 2003, 06:02 AM
Peasant He/Him
sounds great
maybe someone wants to make a queen?
February 26th 2003, 08:27 AM
Peasant He/Him
maybe someone can still help me with the problems above?
February 27th 2003, 10:15 AM
Peasant He/Him
alright, I solved a couple of my problems. It was hard, but I made it.
now I only need 2 things before I launch the demo.

(1) I still can't figure out how you can make it that you don't walk on water.
I tried something with the blue hardness. (that was for water or something) but on the whole screen comes this.
every tile is affected by that, and it is al hard.

(2)change a woman in a bonca or slayer.

maybe someone can help with this, cause i'm totally stuck.

I found the transform of bischop nelson, but i can't totally figure out how it works.
February 27th 2003, 10:37 AM
King He/Him United States bloop
A mother ducking wizard 
1) You shouldn't ever have to manually edit the hard tiles (like you did, where you made most of the tiles blue-hardness). Dink can walk on water by default... you just need to make sure that you have the water-grass borders, which he shouldn't be able to walk through. If he does, copy the hard.dat from the dink directory to your D-Mod's directory.

2) Just do:

sp_base_walk(&current_sprite, 640);

When you want her to change into a Slayer.

Go into DE or WDE, and find the slayer-walk graphics, and you'll notice that they are all in the '640' block... 641 is the lower-left walk, 643 is the lower-right walk, and so on. The base walk assumes all of this, so if you want to change something into a bonca later on, find the bonca graphics, and you'll find out the base walk is ##0 or something.
February 27th 2003, 11:16 AM
Peasant He/Him
(1) thanks, it did help. but not totally,
you can't walk from a beach on the water.
you can't walk from snow on the water
but you CAN walk from grass on the walk.
[edit]some work good, some not[/edit]
so a little problem, how can I change that?
February 27th 2003, 11:25 AM
King He/Him United States bloop
A mother ducking wizard 
Oh! Are you using the correct water tiles? Make sure you're using the correct ones... tiles page 8 on DE, and page 2 in WDE. The other ones don't have the correct hardness by default.
February 27th 2003, 11:27 AM
Peasant He/Him
dang... I've used 3 by WDE...

If my demo is ready, must I send it to you? or do I have to do something first?
February 27th 2003, 11:38 AM
King He/Him United States bloop
A mother ducking wizard 
If you want your demo uploaded to TDN, send it to any of the staff (myself included), and we'll upload it, add it to the database, etc.
February 27th 2003, 12:21 PM
Peasant He/Him
I think I send it tomorrow.
but first another little problem.
I have a bridge which goes to a snow island.
the snow island is hard, I mean, the walls (I don't now the word). now you can't walk over the bridge into that island.
changing the hardness works but all the same tiles are changed and are open.

i've somewhere read how to change that, but I can't find it.
maybe someone can explain me how to change it.
February 28th 2003, 11:06 AM
Peasant He/Him
At the moment am I busy with getting the bugs out of the scripts and so.

one thing I cannot solve.
I have copied a script (see below) from a chest. I changed gold from 500 to 200.
but it doesn't work.
only 500 gold works, not 200.
what is the problem?


//script for chest with 200 gold in it

void main( void)

void hit ( void )
//play noise
int &hold = sp_editor_num(&current_sprite);

if (&hold != 0)
//this was placed by the editor, lets make the chest stay open
editor_type(&hold, 4);
editor_seq(&hold, 177);
editor_frame(&hold, 6);
//type means show this seq/frame combo as background in the future
&save_x = sp_x(&current_sprite, -1);
&save_y = sp_y(&current_sprite, -1);
external("make", "gold200");

sp_seq(&current_sprite, 177);
sp_script(&current_sprite, "");
sp_notouch(&current_sprite, 1);
sp_nohit(&current_sprite, 1);
February 28th 2003, 02:16 PM
Noble She/Her United States
Daniel, there are clowns. 
Because "gold200", does not exist in the "make.c" script. This script can be found in the original Dink Smallwood scripts. Take a look at it, and I'm sure you'll have a better understanding of how it works.
March 7th 2003, 11:21 AM
Peasant He/Him
after 5 days partying, am I working back on my D-Mod Demo.
I think it is ready.
but there is still one problem and I can't figure out what it is.

this is a bit of a script. but somewhere there is a mistake that I can't find.
does anyone knows the mistake?
if (&gaurd == 0)
if (&story == 2)
say_stop("Can I pass?", 1);
say_stop("`7Do you have an ID?",&current_sprite);
say_stop("Eh... yes, here it is.", 1);
say_stop("`7Thank you, let's see.... Smallwood, Dink, hm.... hm... Alright.", &current_sprite);
say_stop("`7But you can't pass.", &current_sprite);
say_stop("`7Why not?", 1);
say_stop("you have to have permission from someone.", &current_sprite);
say_stop("`7from who?", 1);
say_stop("From an other gaurd, the mayor or the queen.", &current_sprite);
&gaurd = 1;
if (&gaurd == 1)
if (&story == 2)
say_stop("Can I pass?", 1);
say_stop("`7Do you have already the permission?", &current_sprite);
say_stop("No.", 1);
say_stop("`7Than you can't pass.", &current_sprite);

oh and yes, gaurd is spelled wrong, but that doesn't matter.