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seth's Profile

Peasant He/Him Japan
I like makin' games. How couldn't you?

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2010-09-03 03:53:26
Peasant He/Him Japan
Ok, new version (will say V0.93 in the installer and in the About screen of the game) up.

Same download location

Here is what's changed:

* BUGFIX: Fixed some graphical handling with high color static images, now converts to 32 bit buffer surfaces on the fly but only if needed (This fixed Furball)
* Improved memory handling - new caching settings specifically for desktops and retina displays that should mean less possible texture thrashing
* Dialog text is now horizontally centered per line ala original Dink, also, the font size is now closer to the original. For iPhone size, I kept the text biger, it's just too unreadable, worth a few overlaps and glitches I think overall.
* Changed "Game interface transparency" to "Game interface visibility" (yeah, was backwards before, thanks)
* Removed touch-related option controls from options menu (Windows only)
* "Restart" now actually restarts the game/dmod instead of quitting out
* Screen fading now covers the entire screen when the dink status bar isn't being drawn
* "Screen lock" feature improved, has original graphics on the sides and the red line pulsates a bit now
* Fixed black lines in the health indicator and around the status bar
- spent some time trying to fix the screen transitions so they are "exact" but didn't get anywhere, will take another look later
* item/magic now have black bg, instead of having the black be transparent. it's still transparent when in "zoom in mode" for ipad/iphone though as that works better there

Btw, I do plan to add a fullscreen toggle and such, right now just aiming at getting it to be very compatible with DMOD's.

MsDink - furball works now! The reason the warp was broken will surprise you... check your dink.ini, in one case you have "NOTANIN" instead of "NOTANIM" and apparently Dink HD is more picky about that due to the rewritten .ini handler. However, it will run now, so you don't have to go change it!

seth has released 10 files

Dink Smallwood Original 3ds Max ModelsDevelopment, OfficialExceptional 9.5August 26th, 2023
Dink Smallwood HDOfficialGood 8.6August 15th, 2022
Mystery IslandD-Mod, Quest, OfficialGood 8.1January 2nd, 2010
Dink Smallwood CD AudioOfficialGood 8.2August 7th, 2006
Dink Smallwood 1.08 Source CodeDevelopment, Source, Official, Dink.exeExceptional 9.9March 10th, 2006
Dink SmallwoodOfficialExceptional 9.5March 10th, 2006
Search for Milli Vanilli (The)D-Mod, RompFair 5.5February 26th, 2006
Mystery Island BMP GraphicsDevelopment, Graphics, OfficialExceptional 9.4January 1st, 1990
Dink Smallwood BMP GraphicsDevelopment, Graphics, OfficialExceptional 9.1January 1st, 1990
Making of Mystery Island (The)Development, Tutorial, OfficialFair 5.9January 1st, 1990