The Dink Network

Ric's Profile

Peasant They/Them Canada
I'm a factory worker in Alberta Canada. I Have 4 kids, two of whom are trying to learn how to make a game. A bit too young yet though.
I've been away a long time, but somehow the Dink network still feels like home.

Private Message

2004-04-14 16:18:18
Peasant They/Them Canada
Areas on the screen that get extra light, like aroung a fire. Can be done to lighten sprites like dink when they are close to light source.
In itself it does not make for a good game, but adds detail.

Ric has released 5 files

Windemere Graphics PackDevelopment, GraphicsGood 8.0January 31st, 2006
Dink Models ( .Blend )DevelopmentExceptional 9.0January 5th, 2006
BlendTutDevelopment, TutorialExceptional 9.5November 27th, 2005
ChaosD-Mod, RompFair 6.3August 31st, 2004
Bane of the MagiD-Mod, QuestGood 8.5June 29th, 2004

Ric has written 2 reviews

Hard To Rate This Windemere SourceNormalGood 7.0January 4th, 2006
Very Nice Grass to Pavement/Stones TilesNormalGood 8.0June 30th, 2002