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Reply to Re: FIAT 1-Earth Knight beaten-nothing happens?

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December 1st 2002, 02:32 PM
Ghost They/Them
: : I have beaten the Earth Knight twice now, yet nothing happens afterwards.  I don't get earth magic, I can't find anything I am supposed to do, Dink just stands there with his thumb you know where.    

: : What gives?  I am using the patched version.  I have beaten him by fist point by friggin' point and then by using air magic.

: : Valerie

: Weird... it should drop the Earth Magic thing.

: Anyway, if you feel like trying to kill him again, there is a secret that should make it much easier to do so.  You have to Punch the rocks that he drops at you so they hit him, which cause 50 damage.

I ended up backing up to the last Save spot and re-killing him, and finally got the Earth Magic. But, just so you know, hitting the rocks never did anything.