Reply to Re: Switching status bars in-game
If you don't have an account, just leave the password field blank.
Great, found it thanks.
FIAT's code:
That works fine, dunno why mine doesn't.
My status bars work fine if I change the INI, just not from init in game.
FIAT's code:
choice_start() title_start(); "Change-O Status-O!" title_end(); "Original" "Fire" "Stone" "Water" "FIAT" "Cancel" choice_end() if (&result == 1) { init("load_sequence_now graphics\inter\menu\menu- 423 NOTANIM"); init("load_sequence_now graphics\inter\status\stat- 180 BLACK"); } if (&result == 2) { init("load_sequence_now graphics\inter\alt1\menu- 423 NOTANIM"); init("load_sequence_now graphics\inter\alt1\stat- 180 BLACK"); } if (&result == 3) { init("load_sequence_now graphics\inter\alt2\menu- 423 NOTANIM"); init("load_sequence_now graphics\inter\alt2\stat- 180 BLACK"); } if (&result == 4) { init("load_sequence_now graphics\inter\alt3\menu- 423 NOTANIM"); init("load_sequence_now graphics\inter\alt3\stat- 180 BLACK"); } if (&result == 5) { init("load_sequence_now graphics\inter\alt4\menu- 423 NOTANIM"); init("load_sequence_now graphics\inter\alt4\stat- 180 BLACK"); } draw_status();
That works fine, dunno why mine doesn't.
My status bars work fine if I change the INI, just not from init in game.