The Dink Network

Im so embarrassed

March 30th 2007, 03:14 AM
i wish i didn't have to say this but im stuck on my plot if any body knows any information please send.

this would be most greatful since im such a noob Dmoddder!!

kindist regards Dinkarama
March 30th 2007, 03:42 AM
Peasant He/Him Netherlands
Olde Time Dinkere 
What do you mean? Do you mean you made your story so complicated you don't know how to continue it, or do you mean you have coding problems with a storyline?

I might be able to help out in both, PM me.
March 30th 2007, 05:56 PM
Peasant She/Her Canada
Uhhh, what do you have for a story so far?
March 30th 2007, 10:15 PM
oh sorry if you didn't understand im not so good with the words lol umm
i don't know how to plot exacltly any informataion will be great on how to story script
March 31st 2007, 12:09 AM
Peasant He/Him Australia
The guy with the cute D-Mod. 
In MAIN.c put something like

make_global_int("<name of variable>", 0);
where <name of varialbe> is someting like &la or &dude

then in a script you put...

if (&la == 0)
put all your talking and stuff here
at end put

&la = 1;
goto done;

if (&la == 1)
put your stuff

&la = 2;
goto done;

keep on doing that all you want keep goind if (&la == blahblah)

&la = 1; blahblah

There you go Logan. And it's not that you're bad with words. It's just that you're a complete Gumbie!

(I'm allowed to say that 'cos he's my friend from school)
March 31st 2007, 04:39 AM
thank you adam