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slurpers and giant rabbits

Pilgrim's Quest

December 13th 2006, 01:53 PM
Peasant He/Him United States
I'm in Pilgrems Quest, and would like to know what is the most effective way to kill slurpers. And also giant rabbits--hellfire and rain don't seem to affect them. I have a bronze throwing star, and am
STILL saving up for a kickass sword. p.s. the problem I had with the screen yesterday went away(?)
April 6th 2007, 08:03 AM
Ghost They/Them
hellfire plus a kickass sword will do the slurpers, and for the rabbits, if they are more than one, let them kill eahch other =D, then use confusion magic/good sword.
You'll need much luck to be able to hit them.
April 7th 2007, 05:40 AM
Avoid the slurpers. You can kill the rabbits with thrown magic or stars. It takes a few hits to do them in but the gold reward is worth it. It also takes a lot of dead rabbits to save up for the best sword but I highly recommend it.