The Dink Network

Black Blood

Dinky Dimensions 1: FIAT

August 4th 2005, 06:08 PM
Ghost They/Them
Redink, I have no idea what you did to make this DMod so awesome despite being so buggy, but you did it. I cursed your name a thousand times as that dang pig stole my water magic yet again. I cursed your name every time the game spontaneously closed. I cursed your name when you made me run from northern Rife to southern Tware.. twice. I'm still cursing your name as I search futilely for Gimac's sword, yet not once have I turned to Ultimate Cheat for help. However, I'm really stumped on this one.

According to the walkthrough, black blood is found by using the secret fire gloves to burn one of the trees between the two blue rock formations on Rai. The problem is, I can't seem to find it.. the trees are so dang unpredictable as to how many times I have to hit them before they'll burn I just can't figure it out, and half the time, I finally manage to burn a tree only to find that not only is it the wrong one, but I'm now stuck in it. X.x Can anyone help?
August 4th 2005, 07:28 PM
King He/Him United States bloop
A mother ducking wizard 
Yes... I apologize. Hopefully I get around to making the bug-fixed version in the future.

Anyway, hrm. The tree you're looking for is right between the two blue arrows on Rai. It's one screen left of the right arrow, and two screens right of the left arrow. It is just above some rocks.

There's a 1/100 chance of a tree burning with the fire gloves, so that might explain why it doesn't happen that often.
August 4th 2005, 08:57 PM
Ghost They/Them
Thank you muchly for the quick reply. I'm looking forward to version 1.00, because as I said (though it may have been obscured by complaining ) it's an absolutely awesome DMod even with the bugginess. But I dabble in game design myself, so I also understand how one can lose motivation to work on a project.
August 4th 2005, 09:02 PM
Ghost They/Them
And wouldn't you know it, minutes after posting this message, I got Gimac's Sword. (I really ought to register so I can edit my posts..)