The Dink Network


February 15th 2004, 06:20 PM
Peasant They/Them
I would love to create a new d-mod but unfortunately, i really really really really suck at programming and graphics. My forte' would definetly be sound since I am like an amateur producer of songs. I've tried to read all the tutorials but still find it extremely confusing. Would anyone like to just sit down with me and maybe just talk on AIM or something, cuz I'd feel better with a more hands on teaching thing.

Oh yeah, and if you need real good songs for your games, I will make you pretty professional sounding songs (mp3 format), for your game if you wish. And i'll try to do sound effects hehe. I LOVE dink, i've been playing since 2002, and I always wanted to do something for the community but I didn't really know what I could do. But yeah, my services are lent to your community.
February 15th 2004, 06:30 PM
Peasant They/Them
oops, i just realized that dink can't use mp3's. That's a shame, i hope that someone will be able to add it on, but then again, I know nothing about programming. But, I can still make midi's and convert wav's. I'll try to release a sound effects packet and a music packet. I do not really like midi's since I focus on modifying sounds and stuff
February 15th 2004, 06:43 PM
Peasant He/Him
Keep working on it - Windemere already supports .mp3's and .ogg's.
February 15th 2004, 08:39 PM
Peasant They/Them
oh nice. lol, yeah, cuz I was reading the sound guide from 2000. I was SURE they should have been able to implement mp3s by now.