The Dink Network

Using different fonts in various Dink versions

October 27th, 06:24 PM
I want to use more than one font. The second one will probably be something non-standard so I'll include it with the D-Mod and ask people to install it.

Is this likely to work in all the various engine versions nowadays? What about people using iOS/Android? Linux?

I assume if it doesn't work then the regular font will be used, but I'd like to catch as many people as possible.
October 28th, 10:34 AM
Peasant He/Him United States bloop rumble
2nd generation. No easy way to be free. 
It MIGHT work with Linux, probably using some shell (command line) tools. I'd have to try it to be sure. However, I'd be surprised if if works via some GUI tools and there are a fair percentage of Linux users that only use GUI tools. Also, installation of new fonts on some (semi) supported platforms like Android, may be even more of an adventure, though I understand that there is a system tool for that that should make it easier. I'd have to look into that too, in order to tell you exactly how that works.

Is there any way you can have the system use the default font if using the 2nd new font fail?

BTW, are you the one that was (at one time) working on a java based dink dmod tool that could be platform independent? If so, what happened to that effort?
October 30th, 11:18 AM
I think sp_font does automatically use the system font if the new one doesn't work. Yet to try it though.

Nope, that wasn't me.
October 31st, 04:57 AM
Peasant They/Them Australia
I have added the ability to load TTFs from dmoddir in one of the more recent yedinks, although it has had almost no testing due to being a rarely-used feature.